Page 34 of Best I Ever Had

“If we’re going to be together—”

Dipping down, she runs the tip of her nose against mine, still smiling. “Are we going to be together, Cooper?”

“We’re together now.”

“What about tomorrow?” If another chick pushed the issue of a relationship, I’d lift her off me and be out the door before I was fully dressed.

I stretch and take her hand a little higher until her tits are at my mouth. She giggles. “You’re so bad.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet. I promise I’ll be so good to you.” I place a kiss on each of her blooming nipples over the thin fabric. “I need you to make me a promise, though.”


Releasing her hand, I stroke her cheeks. “Don’t cover yourself up with me. You never have to. Not with me, Story. Promise me.”

Her smile hangs on, only slipping momentarily. An answer doesn’t come as fast as I’d like, but then she says, “I promise.”

Moving down with her still anchored on top of me, I then catch her as I flip her back to the mattress. “Now, should I start here?” I ask, rubbing my index finger over one nipple and then the other, wanting to remove the barrier so badly. Patience is a virtue I struggle with. “Or down here?” I slide my hand down between her legs.

“Depends. Fingers?” She sucks on the tip of her finger and then runs the wetness over my bottom lip. “Or mouth?”


She sets her hands on top of my head and starts pushing me downward. Guess I got my answer.

My hand has been in her pants a couple of times now, but I’ve not been this intimate with her, this naked, with not only our bodies exposed but also our intentions.

She likes to tease, but I know she’s not teasing tonight. This will be our first time together, and I want to make it special for her.

Something about seeing her fall apart is so satisfying, but this time, I want to taste her. But first, I want to inhale her. I lean forward, pushing my nose against the satin fabric. Her fingers flex and wrap around my hair each time I do it. When I settle against her, taking deep breaths and filling my lungs with her scent, her hand tightens and pulls my hair.

When I exhale, I hear her do the same, and a wanton moan rings in my ears. Hooking my fingers around the sides of her panties, I start sliding them over the flow of her hips. She lifts her ass just enough for me to slide the silky material down her legs, leaving them wrapped around one ankle.

I lift the other and kiss the gentle slope on the top of her foot before resting her leg over my shoulder. Our eyes connect over the mounds of her chest, each breath a pant in anticipation that I refuse to disappoint.

Her legs butterfly and stay open for me as she watches me go down to kiss the innocence on her lower lips. One taste is all it takes for me to know there’s no going back. I lift my chin, brushing the scruff against her, and say, “However long that you’ll have me—tonight, tomorrow, and any or every day after that—I’m yours, Story, and you’re mine.”

Closing my eyes, I drag my tongue through the valley of her sweet pussy and savor the taste of her on my tongue.

“Promise?” she asks, the question a soft whisper from above my head.

I look up once more, only to be met with the beauty of that heart-shaped face and those hazel eyes staring into mine as if her entire world hinges on my answer. “I promise.” And at that moment, though we’re tangled in a compromising position, I swear to God I’ll hold up my end of the deal.

With her pussy bare before me, she lies like a goddess I’m ready to serve, to bow at her feet and entertain every one of her whims. With our promise sealed, I get back to working on making her lose control.

I press my mouth to the most private part of her body and start kissing her like I’d kiss her on the mouth. I tickle her bud by circling it with my tongue, and I tease her entrance with one finger and then another before sinking them deep inside her.

Pushing off the bed, she arches her back as her mouth falls open. I play it cool, going gentle at first but with two fingers inside her, she moans and grabs a handful of my hair to tug on as if I grew it for this occasion.

I’ll offer myself up for her to sacrifice any day or night. Running my hand, palm flat over her belly, up the middle of her body to reach her breasts, I ask, “You like that, baby?”

“I like it. So much, Cooper,” she says eagerly. I could read her body’s reaction—the squirming, how she pushes into my mouth, the arching back—but I really like hearing not only her reply but also my name slip off her tongue like a prayer. “Don’t stop.”