Page 31 of Best I Ever Had

I laugh. “Secrets don’t stay hidden for long.” Guess it’s not funny, though, since I’m the only one laughing. Trying to lighten the mood again, I fist his coat. “I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m just playing.” I kiss his chin, and then we start walking again. “Unless you have some skeletons in your closet that come to light that I need to know about.” I laugh but realize I’m laughing by myself again. “You don’t, do you?”

His laughter is guttural, deep, and resounding. “Doesn’t everyone?”

He’s right. I have a studio apartment full of secrets that I’m not looking to pull out to display. At least not yet.

We cut down the alley since it’s more direct to my apartment. This time, I hold his hand. Despite the distance between us, I feel closer to him than I have with anyone since my mom. The restaurant is busy, co-eds feeding onto the street in celebration of the semester coming to an end. After two more finals, I’ll be celebrating.

Cooper stops in front of my door but looks down the block at the bright lights and revelers. “Are you hungry?”

“You bought plenty of food for me.”

“I bought snacks, not proper meals.”

“Are tacos a proper meal?”

“Better than a yogurt and crackers.”

“I don’t know. I feel like you nailed it when you bought the good stuff.” I’m starting to wonder if he wants to eat with me or to go out and do some celebrating himself. Releasing his hand, I move toward the door. “I have to study tonight, but I don’t want to hold you back. You should go out and meet your friends. You’re done for the semester, and most people leave by the weekend. Go out and party.” I thumb over my shoulder. “I’ll just have a quiet night in bed.”

Cooper moves in closer. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily. I don’t mind hanging out with you while you study unless you prefer that I go.”

“I feel selfish.”

He smirks and takes hold of my hips, wiggling them back and forth. “Be selfish, Story. Tell me what you want.” His playfulness belies the words.

“I’m afraid I won’t get much studying done with you here.” Disappointment sinks his grin. I dip my hands under his coat and hook my fingers around his belt loops. Tugging him with me, I add, “Fortunately, I’ve studied enough.”

“You’re very good at teasing, Ms. Salenger.”

“I promise not to tease tonight.” Am I ready for this? He makes me feel so ready, so ready for the first time. “I know how that can get hard.” I wink, and on that note, I turn in his arms and open the door. Dashing up the stairs, he’s quick behind me. I don’t have a chance against those long legs of his, so I let him “win” at the top and give him his grand prize. Me.

Kissing him, I forget the past that came back today and get lost in the possibility of us and a future. “Come on,” I say, anxious to continue kissing him inside.

Once the door is locked, I’m tossed onto the bed. I laugh and flop backward, spreading my arms wide across the mattress. “And here I thought this was going to be more romantic.”

With not enough room to join me, Cooper climbs over me instead and tickles me under my coat and up my ribs. He hovers on top of me, his hands going wide to cover mine and pin me to the bed. I’ve not known heavy with him, but we seem to have straddled a line. “Is that what you want, babe? Romance? I can give you romance.” He dips down, moving the collar of my coat and shirt aside with his teeth and a playful growl before nibbling along my exposed shoulder and following up with sweet little kisses.

“Oh, yeah?” I might be teasing him again, but considering how good his mouth feels on my skin right now, I’m not in a hurry to stop.

Is this it?

Is he the one?

I hold him close, knowing this is around the time my thoughts keep me from moving forward and following through. I swallow, not realizing it’s in his ear until his head bolts up, and he looks at me. “You okay there?”

Staring into his eyes, I don’t feel fear, and not an ounce of anxiety trickles through me. But my heart races for different reasons.

This is it.

He’s the one.

There’s no rhyme or rationale to how fast we’re moving, but something deep inside me tells me I can trust him. “Cooper?” I hate that my voice shakes when I feel good about the decision I’ve made.

His reassuring smile is boyishly charming as he waits for me to say more. But I just like seeing him like this—that happiness in his eyes, a smile so genuine that it can’t be mistaken for anything less than contentment, and so devastatingly handsome. “Story?” he asks, smirking again.