Page 18 of Best I Ever Had

It’s Cooper.

I lie there still as can be, noticing even my breath is held in place. But I need to breathe, so I do it slowly and then turn to face him.

His hard jaw remains taut, but his features are at peace. Something about his expression is so gentle when he sleeps. I still prefer when he’s awake. He’s gorgeous. But more than that, he helped me break free from some of the fears I’d been holding on to. I’m not sure what it was about him that had me wanting more than time with him, but after making out and getting off, I have no regrets.

Fortunately for me, his eyes begin to open, and as soon as he sees me, he grins. Reaching forward, he presses his hand to my head. “You’re a little hot. How are you feeling?” he asks.

“Only a little hot?” I grin.

He chuckles. “A lot hot in the sexual department, but as for your temperature, we still need to bring it down.” He sits up and drops his feet to the floor.

It’s the first time I’m seeing his body . . . without clothes. Sure, he looked great clothed. I checked him out at the coffee shop before I even approached him. His style is a cross between J. Crew and rugged, dressed for the weather and season from head to toe. His hair is still holding a style despite the bad weather. But it was his profile, the slightest of bumps on the bridge of his nose that broke up the handsome perfection of his other features.

But this . . . this practically naked Adonis standing before me now beats anything he could ever wear dressed. I stare as he comes around the mattress. Sitting next to me, he picks up the medicine. “You need to take this along with another dose of Tylenol. You’re starting to feel feverish again.”

“What do you think is wrong with me?” Other than wanting this man like I’ve never wanted anyone in my life—sexually, sure. That would be a bonus. But his company is more than I could have asked for already. Now he’s here taking care of me. I win. Maybe this is the universe making up for all the bad I’ve been subjected to.

I’ll take it.

He battles a rogue smile as if it appeared without his permission. “Nothing. You are perfect just the way you are.”

How can I not grin after that? “I was referring to me being sick.”

“Ah. I think it’s just a cold. It’s freezing outside, and we hiked through so much water last night. I think you’ll be okay by tomorrow.”

“Oh, shit!” I sit up, ready to bolt out the door to get to my final on time. “I’m late.”

He stands as I struggle to untangle my legs from the sheet. “It’s probably canceled. Most of the university is still without power. I’d check your email.” He walks back to the desk, where he picks his phone up. “I got an extension to turn in my paper.” When he looks my way, he adds, “I ran into my professor at the store.”

Glancing back and forth between him and the medicine, I have a vague memory of him getting dressed and leaving. “You left.” Not a question, but my mind is still trying to piece things together. “And then you came back.”

“I did. I got supplies. Medicine. That was the best I could find at the store two blocks over. Some snacks and drinks.” He goes to the fridge and pulls out a bottle of Gatorade before returning to the bed. He undoes the cap and hands it to me. “Stay hydrated.”

I take a sip and then another, not realizing how thirsty I was until now. I can easily acknowledge that Cooper has attributed to my thirst in other ways. Watching him walk around my apartment with his athletic physique on display has me taking a few extra gulps.

He returns his phone to the desk, then he looks back at me. “My finals were postponed a day. What about yours?”

“What about my what?”

Grinning, he chuckles. “Your exams. Have your professors canceled today?”

“Oh, right. That.” I reach for my phone and check. Finding two emails, I get the news I want. Let’s face it, I’d rather be here with Cooper, even sick, than taking a final. Holding the screen toward him, I say, “Canceled.”

Dropping back onto the bed, he groans. “Good. I’m fucking exhausted.”

Everything is so natural between us. It’s as if we’ve forgotten to have a beginning of our relationship if that’s what we can call what we’re doing. I take another sip and then swallow down a dose of the medicine he ventured out to retrieve for me. “Thank you for risking your life so I could feel better.”

“Anytime.” He smirks with his hands tucked under his head.