Page 14 of Best I Ever Had

There are a million reasons I should have walked out that door.

But I only needed one to stay. Her.

I can kiss anyone. Oh, shit.

Story is gorgeous, even her heart is filled with beauty, but that look in her eyes makes me believe that maybe I’m not such a bad guy and has me leaning in and giving her another kiss.

Her hands press against my chest until our eyes meet again. She sees through me. “Hey, Cooper,” she whispers, “let’s not overthink this. It’s just . . .” Her eyes leave mine but only momentarily. “It’s just what we want to make of it.”

Feeling my heartbeat pick up and the lightness escaping the room, I cup her face. “What do you want to make of it, Story?”

“I don’t need much to be content. I’m easy like that.” She starts laughing. “Well, not easy. I’m actually quite difficult in that way despite the offer to not only stay the night but spend it in bed with me.”

Running a finger down the bridge of her nose, I lean and kiss the tip before going lower and kissing her quick on the lips. “Easy or hard, I’m glad I stayed.” I’m about to kiss her again when the room brightens without the rain siphoning the light from the streetlamp. The rain has slowed, and maybe we have as well, but then Story gets to her knees and decides to straddle me, making me realize I’ve been so stuck in my head that I almost missed this moment.

“Bold and beautiful.” Damn, she’s sexy.

When she draws figure eights over my shirt, I’m tempted to strip it off just to feel her touching my skin. “I don’t know if we have tonight or more, but I don’t want to think about that and plan it all out. I just want you. You think you can handle that, Coop?” she asks.

When she punctuates her question with a wriggle of her hips, I give her a once-over. She wiggles again, this time with a lot more pressure against my hardness. Fuck me. The first time I try to be an upstanding guy and she’s determined to be the death of me. Reaching up, I run my hands under the hem of her shirt. “Guess we’ll find out.”

I roll over and hover on top of her, balancing on my elbows as I kiss her until she’s breathless and squirming for more. She starts tugging at my shirt and then going lower to run the tips of her fingers under the top of the pajama pants.

Kissing lower, I lay a trail down her neck as I run a hand over the ebb and flow of her waist to her hip. But then I back up and slide my hand under the top of her fleece pants. Damn, I’m such a sucker for her soft skin. I press my cock against her leg, and when she sucks in a breath, I return to those kiss-swollen lips to steal one again.

Sliding my hand around to her stomach, I start to go lower when the elastic starts giving way for me. Against her lips, I whisper, “You are so incredibly sexy.”

The words spur her on, and she presses her fingertips into the top of my ass. “You are so hard.”

I chuckle. “Have you not noticed another part of me? Kind of hard to miss.”

“I’ve noticed,” she says with a smile. “I just like all of your body.”

“I like that, and you, and your killer body.” I kiss her again because although it’s fun to laugh, I’d rather keep my mouth busy on her. As if we didn’t miss a beat, she moves her hands around to my front and dips under my boxer briefs, and I slide mine lower into her silk panties.

Still balancing on one forearm, I feel my muscles tensing until I wedge my knee between hers to even the load of my weight. Placing a trail of kisses to her ear, I whisper, “What are you thinking about?”

“How close your fingers are to where I want them, but how they still seem so far away.”

I reach the softness between her legs and dip my middle finger between her lips. “Still too far?” Before she answers, I circle her bud, making her buck in pleasure.

I didn’t want to fuck her because she’s not like other girls I hang out with, but man, she makes it hard. Literally. I go lower and tease her entrance just as she teases the tip of my dick.

“Fuck,” I growl as she takes hold of my erection.

When she squeezes and starts sliding, I finger-fuck her because damn, she feels amazing. The sound of our connection drags me under until I move by need and want, urge and craving. I thrust into her hand as we kiss erratically.

Dark brown hair, those eyes that stole my soul. Sunset tights and a smile that could compete with her halo. This girl has me caught in some memory and blown away that I’m with her now. What are the chances that I’d ever see this girl again? But here she is in her captivating beauty getting me off. Fuck. My stomach clenches, trying to stave off from coming.