Page 66 of Best I Ever Had

Having his family’s wealth rank in the top three when describing Cooper seems like such a disservice. That’s when it dawns on me—he didn’t want to tell me his last name or that Haywood Hall is named after his family. He’s used to these things mattering to people, whether it helps or hurts him, and he’s trying to come out from under the Haywood shadow.

I smile to myself. I’m proud of him for wanting to be his own man.

She returns the glass cover and asks, “So where does he live?”

Taking the coffee pot from the burner, I say, “The mirrored tower on the other side of campus,” and walk across the shop. Wonder when he’s going to show me his apartment?

She shakes her head. “Of course, he does.”

“All good today, Lou?” I go ahead and top off his coffee mug.

Smiling, he looks up at me, stopping everything he’s doing as if my presence deserves more attention than the . . . I bend to see the molecular model he’s constructing. “Just peachy, Story. How’s it going with you? Nice holiday?”

He’s such a sweet guy. Not my type, but maybe he and Lila should talk. “The best, in fact.”

“That’s good to hear—”

Already detouring to the next table, I say, “I need to get back to work,” over my shoulder.

He waves. “Yes, of course.”

After I make a round, I return the empty pot to the burner again and get another pot brewing. During the past six hours of my shift, I’ve got three texts from Cooper, one specifically mentioning that he’s going to his place to shower and change clothes. Another to say good morning, and the last asked what time I get off work so he can meet me at my apartment.

Why am I never invited to his place?

Does he have roommates I don’t know about or magazines he doesn’t want me to see lying around? I mean, really, what could a twenty-two-year-old male keep at his apartment that he would want to hide? I don’t know, but I want to find out.

My curiosity getting the best of me, I ask Lila, “You don’t need me to do anything else?”

“No, I’m good. The rush is over.” She rests her elbow on the counter and then her chin in her hand. Grinning like a fool, she adds, “Go have fun with your boyfriend. At least one of us will be having a good time.”

Wrapping my hand over hers, I say, “Your true love will come along. In the meantime, Lou’s kind of cute, right?”

Her gaze flies over my shoulder, and her spine straightens. “Lou’s too nice. Not my type at all.”

I shrug. “I’m happy to say that I’m officially over the bad boys.”

“The guys you dated weren’t bad. They were awful.”

I untie the apron and wad it in my hands. “Truer words were never spoken.” I stuff it in my bag and then head for the door. “Good night.”

The towering apartment building can’t be seen from the street in daylight. And although it’s not late at 8:17, it’s been dark for a few hours. I decide to make the trek anyway and surprise him. I hope he’s happy when he sees me, and I’m not opening Pandora’s box instead.

As I stand in front of the building, it’s bigger than I remember the last time I was here. But Troy had already been drinking and starting to make a scene, so we shuffled inside quickly. I didn’t know he had rich friends, but he said he knew this guy and hadn’t seen him in a while. I never did get to meet his friend.

Even though I’m looking up as far as I can see, the top of the building is hidden from view and engulfed by clouds. I go in. There’s no doorman, but the building feels fancy enough to have one.

I don’t know what floor Cooper lives on, so I look for a directory. It’s not exactly safe to post people’s names and apartment numbers these days, but I check the lobby anyway. When I don’t see one, I plug his name and the street address into a search app on my phone and bingo.

The elevator door opens as soon as I approach. Stepping in, I push the button for the fifteenth floor. There are only sixteen, so that means Cooper lives under the penthouse. No surprise. The higher the floor, the higher the cost. The reality real estate shows have taught me a lot.

Checking my phone again, I find another text from him asking if it’s going to be a late night. He’s sweet to offer to help with any cravings. Hopefully, I can satisfy his craving for me instead. I’m getting more excited with each floor I pass.

The door slides open, and when I step out, I look around. Déjà vu strikes, but I can’t put my finger on why it’s familiar. Sure, it’s nicely decorated with a calm blue on the walls and dark blue carpets lining the hall. Maybe every floor in this building is the same, so that can’t be it.