His mouse was still trapped by Toby’s mangled dick, but by the amount of clotted cum that squished out, the freakish knot was finally going down. Still, he could not pull the traitorous male out of her without causing damage she did not deserve. “I’ll fucking break your legs, cut you into pieces, and let every slave huddled below piss on your mangled corpse.”

Toby smiled all the wider, looking far too contented for a dead man walking. “I watched the surveillance footage. You tried to bite her when she rode your cock on her couch. Instinct told you to set teeth to this one’s flesh, yet Kieran held you back. Still you brought her here. Still you want to play. But you don’t want her, boss. I do. This one.”

“Do you think this is some game, boy?” Toby was eccentric, there was no doubt of that, but Caspian was hearing pure madness. Bonding made an Alpha weak. It made them distracted. It made them vulnerable. “Do you think anyone will respect you now that you bonded? And to a mute no less.”

Shaking off drunken listlessness, Toby shoved both his snarling First and hovering Second, shielding the body of the damaged female as if to protect her from them. “She’s perfect.”

Kieran could not have sounded more appalled. “True Alphas resist the call. They breed many.”

“Only the stupid ones.” Toby’s joints began to pop, to crack, muscles swelling as in preparation of battle. “Both of you can fuck who you want. Breed your whole pen. I only want her.”

He’d carve Toby apart; remove him from the mouse in pieces if he fucking had to! Panting with fury, ready to rend his Third limb from limb, Caspian bellowed, “SHE WASN’T YOURS TO TAKE!”

The look in his eyes, the cunning flash… Caspian saw the truth of the matter hidden in the Third’s eyes. Toby had thought this through. He’d intended all along to steal his First’s newest toy, confirming it when he drew in a deep breath to force the words, “I’ll share!” through his wolfish grin.

“You’ll share.” Dragging out the offensive statement with a raspy growl, Caspian left the bed, the bleeding mouse, and Kieran’s disgust behind. He left because the smell of her blood was itching his nose and causing him to salivate. “Do you think that will appease me, Toby? To share something of mine that you stole?”

Breaking his silence, Kieran all but ignored the raving Third. Wisely, he turned to his First, met his eye, and announced, “She’s not in estrous. Unless reinforced, this bond will be weak. Keep them separated for a few days and she’ll have nothing but a scar that could be overtaken by another Alpha.”

“No.” Like hugging a ragdoll toy to his chest, Toby gathered her close and clung. “Boss, you told her a few months of riding your cock then you’d set her free. Have your few months with my mate. When you don’t want her anymore, she’ll nest with me.” Throwing a finger toward Kieran, Toby snarled, “And I know what this ignorant fucker has in mind. Breed her then sell her to some stodgy old fucker. It’s not going to happen.”

“Call me ignorant again, and I’ll cut out your goddamn tongue!” Kieran might have had all the beauty a male could ask for, but unlike Toby, he’d had none of the education… He’d never hidden resentment well, and in that moment Caspian could see how it burned him to be mocked for his shit childhood. “Watch yourself, friend. I’m not opposed to Caspian’s bleeding you dry.”

And there it was—the smug arrogance only a highborn patrician of Dale City could wield with such scorn. Toby let it loose: the accent, the air, the roll of his tongue. “You know who my father is. What I bring to the table can’t be replaced with dumb, brute force, pretty boy, or even fear of the Syndicate’s power.”

“You might be Governor Ross’ spawn, but there are other means to keeping a stranglehold on the Council.”

Deranged laughter, even a snort, and Toby said, “Good luck finding a single one of them willing to leave the lap of luxury for the astringent stink of this torture chamber. I’m one of a kind, Kieran. I made sure of that when I murdered all my brothers.”

Finished watching from the shadows, huge, menacing, and only too happy to smile, Caspian made his threat. “You still have a sister, Toby. A pretty one…”

Eyes going dark, Toby’s jaw grew twitchy. “Females are barred from the Council. Even if you took Henriette, even if my pussy of a father continued to bow to your every whim, once the old man dies, you’d lose the seat, you’d lose your spy, and all you’d have is another bitch for your pen.”

Hitching a brow, Caspian purred, “You care so little for the pampered miss?”