When in tune, these men were…

Wren had no word for it, she had nothing but the whites of her eyes when Toby began to press the pulsating head of his cock against her flooded slit.

“She’s going to do it.” Entranced, Toby pulsed where her skin grew pale with a stinging stretch, half that deformed head swallowed by her clenching, clasping channel. “She’ll be the first one to take it all.”

“Slam it in!” Bracing Wren’s leg, Kieran licked his lips, eyes focused and unblinking. “Fuck her until she squeals!”

Bulbous head retreating so her delicate tissue might adjust, Toby adjusted his weight on his heels, brow bunched and temples dotted with sweat. Absently fisting his deformed cock, he ran his hand over the veined, swollen mass that had yet to fit inside, growled, “Sunshine, you gotta let me in now.”

Warm hands caressed over her ribs, running upward to cup and tease her breasts. Caspian, the one who held her through this ordeal, the one still kissing her, soothing fear-pricked skin.

He’d never kissed her that way before. Sweetly. Reverently.

Before he only sought to swallow what made her Wren and change the Omega into his eager whore.

Her entrance gave.

With the pop of his glans past her thinned opening, Toby gained ground. And as he did, he let out an animal-deep bleat. Like a bull, snorting, and shaking its head for the stampede, he chuffed, ground his teeth and forced forward into a sheath unprepared for so much.

There was no escape by the time that first wave of pain registered. Caspian’s grip on her solidified, Kieran rearing up behind the raging bull to brace both her flailing legs wide so Toby’s progress would be undeterred.

Toby, who was no longer man. He was all rutting animal, already cumming even though half of his freakish cock had yet burrow into her guts.

And he kept cumming, the fluid that somehow found its way past that hideous cock and her overstretched cunt thick and curdled as it oozed its way out.

The whole length of him was a solid knot, and her body instinctively gripped onto it, muscles grinding down against that monstrous mass… encouraging the raving beast to strain forward until more and more and more was fed into her core.

The orgasm that had muddled her senses long enough for Toby to steal in, roared back to life amidst searing pain.

Kieran grinned like a beautiful demon. “Look at her! The slut is going to take the whole fucking thing!”

Flopping like a fish on a hook, Wren seized, eyes rolling back in her skull as the three of them continued with their game.

“Ahhhhh!” Trembling, Toby screamed the instant the widest, most mangled part of his cock burrowed home. Locked behind her pubic bone, his overinflated sack drawing up and moving about is if living things wrestled inside it, he flooded her.

Creamy white kept coming, thick enough to pile up when it splattered Caspian’s thighs and stained the bedding.

How the fluid found room to escape the confines of her pussy past that churning, kicking growth, Wren didn’t know. She was hardly coherent, trapped in an endless orgasm that would not ease until the entirety of his knot collapsed.

Muscles straining, showing teeth, Toby bumped at her body with jagged, stilted thrusts. He couldn’t stop himself, the movement was primal, unavoidable, even horrible.

Because it felt magnificent.

This was why so many tenants of the Warrens were addicted to drugs. This out-of-body feeling of limitless beyond pain.

Sex was never supposed to lead to this place.


Nirvana belonged to the dead. There would be no coming back from such a thing unchanged.

Pulsating bursts of corrupted bliss deformed her body to shape around that of a very sick man. Toby mutilated her with this knowledge, made her eyes go so far past blown she could see the universe and all its workings.

Limitless. Free of the hideous life she’d lived and the pains she’s known, Wren flew.

Hours they were locked together, two bodies warring to fill and be filled. To survive. Hours before Toby was capable of more than mindless grunts so he might mutter two syllables. “Sunshine.”

Lucid enough to ruin her world, he made a move the others should have known to watch for.

Toby, the Third Alpha, the unhinged breaker of bodies and enslaver of children, set his teeth to her shoulder and bit down so hard, neither Kieran nor Caspian could pull her free.

Chapter 12

Hands seized Toby’s throat in a death grip, Caspian squeezing, raging to discover the assault only left his Third climaxing even harder. “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU’VE DONE?”

Blood was everywhere, the Omega it spilled from having gone ashen before she’d passed out cold.

Wall-shaking roars bellowed from Caspian’s throat. “You fucking tried to bond to her! How dare you!”

Teeth bloody, smile unhinged, the pussy-dazed Third lolled back and chuckled. “Tried? No. It’s done. I claimed her.”