The scent of Omega desire grew so thick in the air Caspian was drunk on it. She might play the innocent virgin, but the body pressing back against him was willing no matter the hesitations of the mind.

Breathing heavy at her ear, he swore. “I’ll fuck you so hard no other will ever compare.”

Fisting his cock, he lined up before she might brace, and shoved forward with such might her body hit the wall. Looking down at the trapped mouse, how her cheek was squished to the paint, how her eyes rolled and twitched, he savaged her hole.

He didn’t give her time to adjust to him, but forced everything he had in her belly.

He didn’t care if she yelped or mewled each time his sack slapped her ass.

There was nothing of thought when a cunt that tight rippled and spasmed and tempted him to conquer it. He was beyond rough. More than primal.

Those eyes owed him, and so Caspian rooted his fingers into her hair. Yanking back her head, licking at her mouth, he found the lavender gone.

Only black with the thinnest hint of an almost burgundy limbal ring. Eyes that were blank of anything but pleasure.

He’d fuck that out of her too. He’d fuck out the shy, abandoned thing keeping house in the Warrens. He’d fuck out the ferocious protector to two worthless boys. He’d fuck out the resistant, immaculate pretty mouse who looked so fucking good clean he’d almost kissed her at his door.

He’d fuck this creature into nothingness.

Destroy her.

Make her pay for existing in a world that didn’t revolve around him.

Drinking of her lips, high on her cries, Caspian gave over to the rage.

She’d dared look at him and found him wanting when he’d found her flawless. Her tight, wet sleeve of flesh that tried to milk at his cock dared to quiver and tempt this mating to end.

The fucking smell of her dared to incite feelings beyond victory and fire.

“Fucking slut!”

The roar shook out of his massive chest, rolling off the ceiling. Vibrating, every nerve alive with possession, he let slip a bellow.

A single, male call no woman before had earned.

If two other contenders had not opened the door, things might have gone too far. Caspian might have done more than drag his teeth to her shoulder and pinched the flesh.

He might have torn into her, just as he’d torn into her cunt.

Snarling, all animal, Caspian pulled his mouth from female flesh, snapping his teeth at the intruders. Boxing in his Omega with arms bulging, ready to strike should another male take one step closer, he growled.

“That’s what I’m talking about. Fuck her. Fuck her like the slut she is…” Eyes wild to find the barbarism of Caspian pounding the female, his Second wasted no time. Pants open, shirt yanked up, Kieran furiously began to jack off as he stood a wise distance away.

Toby, his beastly exposed dick hanging heavy and swollen, dripped precum on the floor. Eyes glazed, he muttered to himself, “I get her third.”

First-Alpha got first claim. No other male would taste his mouse unless they tasted him on her. That thought, the knowledge that his cum would lace every kiss the Second and Third might suck from her lips, the way she squealed when he redoubled his efforts and began to rumble with the coming pulse of an epic building knot, sent Caspian over the edge.

He was supposed to knot outside her and ease it into her pussy as it grew… that was the plan so that she might stretch and be ready for Toby later. But it was too late, his knot burst forth and locked tight behind her pubic bone. Balls heavy with unspent sperm drew up and ached with need to expel.

Omega cunt seized, coughing around him in a bid to seat his throbbing meat deeper. He was there, right on target when that the first mighty spray spewed forth to froth and churn in her relentless pulsating grasp.

Internal muscles sucked him for more, mangling his relentless knot in a grip of iron, and left the female wailing in the violence of her release.

“Turn her so I can see.” Breathy words, bent with short grunts of pleasure came from Kieran. “I want to see her hole stretched around you. I want to watch her cunt leak.”

To show off his conquest to the pack, to let them observe just what he owned, drew another thick wave of cum straight up Caspian’s shaft.

Hand wrapping the front of her throat, First-Alpha displayed his trophy.

Her feet could not reach the floor, not hung as she was on his cock. She dangled, pale legs pathetically kicking in a bid for support.

Kieran stroked himself faster, one thumb rubbing circles over his weeping crown. “God damn… look at that pussy. Stuffed fucking full. I bet you a thousand credits she’ll piss herself if you press down.”