Labia tingled and burned.

She hissed and he groaned, Toby humping against her hip until the scent of cum tinged the air. In the midst of his awkward climax, he speared his hand all the way to the knuckle of his thumb, and murmured, “You little tease. Keep making those pretty noises for me.”

Trying to climb him to relieve the pressure, Wren hung about his neck and hitched a leg to his hip. He groaned all the harder, grinding the bulbous growth at the base of his shaft against her leg.

Without pressure engulfing his knot, Toby’s release was short-lived. It ended after a few scented spurts. The Alpha smiled at the woman hooked on his fingers with pure wickedness. “Do you know what happens to an Alpha who denies his knot?”

Wren shook her head, eager for his fingers to retreat.

“A buildup of fluids accumulates; the knot deforms and fails to shrink. It won’t go away completely until I drain it… which I won’t be doing. Instead I’m going to half-cum over and over all day until my cock is swollen and my balls are ready to pop. Tonight, after Caspian and Kieran have stretched your sweet pussy and filled you with cream, I’m going to shove the special knot I’m preparing just for you right past these tight lips. I’ll fuck you for however many hours it takes for your perfect pussy to squeeze me all the way down. And you’re going to take it, all of it, until no other knot will ever make you feel like mine did.”

Knots had to expand inside an Omega; it couldn’t be pushed in already formed…

He was going to hurt her like the Alpha who took her virginity had when he’d torn his knot out.

“Shhhh…” He began to wiggle his fingers again, returning to stretching her opening. “It will only smart a little… and then it will feel very good. You’ll see. I’ll be your favorite in no time.”

Closing her eyes to the burn when he again tried to push deeper, Wren tried to relax so this might end.

“Bear down. Good, just like that. I’m not leaving until you take my whole fist.”

Chapter 2

Toby had been unable to work his whole fist in, at least not while Wren was still on her feet. Now that the bed was at her back, purple bunting hanging from the ceiling like she was a goddamn princess, the Alpha had made a little more progress.

“So patient.” He kissed her belly, rubbing his shaved head against the soft skin. “Just a little more.”

He’d stripped her naked, folding the dress with care before he set it aside. After he’d laid her down, he’d left her spread so wide Wren should have felt shame. She might feel it later, once the anxiety and discomfort passed.

The bed began to rock again, Toby stroking himself to another unfulfilling orgasm. The knot he’d warned her about was angry and pulsing in so many places that it looked alive—writhing under his flesh in a twisting convulsion of blood vessels. Hand moving faster on the unmangled part of his dick, a light spray of warm seed hit where his fist was almost buried inside her, the Alpha hissing, straining from the pain.

Why would he do this to himself?

More importantly, how did he think that thing was going to fit in her body?

There was something very wrong with a man who would subject himself to hours of self-torture chasing after a disfigured cock. The knot wasn’t a knot at all anymore. Halfway up his already huge dick, it rippled and ridged. Like rolling blobs of veined corruption.

As it grew a little larger, Wren grew more afraid.

The scent of fear in her sweat drew Toby’s attention away from his self-imposed agony. Blue eyes gentled, the lines that had pinched at the corners during his climax softening. “You’ll learn to love the pain… to anticipate what only I can offer.” He began to stroke himself again. “Be willing, soft and open, long enough for me to get inside, and I’ll take you to heights you can only imagine.”

It wasn’t possible.

When Caspian had fucked her, it had taken the Alpha several minutes just to ease his cock fully into her body. That thick, long, and daunting member… Wren had required purrs, enticing growls, and patience before he could even thrust in balls deep.

The pulsating mass between Toby’s legs would never, ever fit.

Huge fist stretching her cunt opening, or no.

When she fruitlessly tried to wriggle back, the fingers already inside her balled up, changing the shape of his unholy invasion. Body trembling, her cunt flexed automatically in a bid to pull the false knot deeper. It knew the placement was wrong. That the feeling of fullness was a lie.

God, it burned!

Head thrashing back and forth, Wren began to cramp. “Uuuungh.”

“Good girl. Just a little bit more.”