“Ride me faster, circle your hips. Gah…” He choked, gasping when her pussy gave a lurch and slammed down just as he desired. “Jesus, mouse. Take what you want!”

Her hands fisted in his shirt, she bucked, chasing after what drove her. Her need for his cum.

Going to town wringing his own meat, Kieran’s eyes were glued to where the mouse’s pussy swallowed and spit out an angry, red Alpha cock. He was chiming with them a steady, “Yes, yes, just like that. Fuck him as hard as you can.”

Eyes black as Caspian’s heart, completely high on his call, the mouse did. She fucked him.

He just sat back and took it.

The sounds she made would have made an old sailor blush, the squelch and suck of a dripping cunt seasoning the air and driving both Alphas wild.

Slapping down hard on Caspian’s thighs, her body called for the knot, his skin bursting to deliver what she craved. He swelled so hot and so fast that she was caught, the Omega past reason as she squealed and began to lurch. Whatever was happening inside her was heaven on his cock, the rippling suck of her orgasm fierce and violent.

Mouth parted, unblinking eyes stared straight through him. He gave her three massive gushes in such rapid succession he grew lightheaded.

Her greedy pussy demanded more, biting down with such fervor on his knot that he clawed for her throat in response.

“Careful, Caspian!”

Another wave of lava rushed from aching balls, up a pulsating shaft to spray from the slit in his cockhead and batter her insides with foamy seed. Another and another until he was whining with each breath, so far twisted up in pleasure, he couldn’t remember his name.

When he was certain his cock would split like an over-cooked sausage, the squeezing ripple let up. The following wave of euphoria was stronger than any drug he sold on the streets.

In his grip, a pale throat had gone pink, above it bug-eyed and gasping for air, the mouse rode the cusp of a blackout. Stranger still was the unwelcome male who had him by the hair and braced his weight between Caspian’s snapping teeth and the floundering girl’s shoulder.

“Once you claim her there’s no going back!”

Sense cracked through exuberant lust, and Caspian threw her neck from his grip without consideration for how they were joined. She rocked back, arms wheeling, caught by his Second, who still braced a hand against Caspian’s chest as if expecting the First-Alpha to make another grab for her.

As her vision began to clear and huge gasping sucks of air finally made their way into her ribcage, the Omega began to wail. These were the kind of sobs threats and a strong backhand would not crush. She was beyond consoling, completely terrified, and retching up stringy mucus past a damaged throat.

Caspian had never felt a knot retreat so quickly. The wave of cum that splattered his pants when he shifted her off should have given him great pride. Hell, it was more than he’d ever dumped in a female in all his myriad liaisons. Even Rosie with all her tricks had had never drawn forth half so much.

Standing abruptly, fixing up his fly, Caspian looked down at the mess he’d created. The little mouse cowered. “You’re not defective.” When she failed to raise up her face and acknowledge that she’d heard him, he tried to mollify again, “You’re flawless. Best fuck I’ve ever had.”

The petrified thing shrunk further in on herself.

Resting a hand on her head, he fought past his own sense of shock and struggled to create a purr. Offering the closest thing to an apology she was ever going to get, Caspian said, “It wasn’t intentional. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

She stilled under his stroking hand, but it was out of fright, not calm. Unsure how to handle her, Caspian backed up a step. The effect on the Omega was immediate.

She wanted him gone.

“Supply whatever she needs: food, water, new bedding for the nest. If a doctor is required, one will be brought here.”

“Sir?” His Second stood there baffled and did nothing.

Roaring his displeasure, Caspian snarled, “Fucking comfort her already!”

A second later he was slamming her door shut at his back, face a mask of outright violence.

Chapter 10

Wren’s mind and body had yet to fully reconnect. Parts of her were twitching mercilessly, firing off residual bursts of muscle cramping pleasure, yet ferocious pain circled her neck and her lungs burned with each breath.

Gasping for air, Wren sobbed.

The Alpha had almost murdered her the moment her body had found an earth shattering completion of spirit. His violence had skyrocketed her elation. The way he’d snapped his teeth hadn’t frightened her at all. She’d fed on his frenzy and orgasmed all the harder.

Throat a pulped mush, Wren couldn’t help but wish he’d killed her.