He should not have left a female like her alone for three days after breaking her in.

The sleek, raw mouse needed more than just a meal. She’d needed an Alpha. Otherwise she’d end up like Rosie, vying for attention in a bid to secure rank amongst the kept females.

“Sir, you’re needed back at the pipeworks.” Since his arrival, Kieran had been watching them as if unsure what to make of the scene. His Second was perplexed, those green eyes women preened for locked on Caspian’s Omega.

A masculine rumble thick with contentment said, “It can wait.”

Kieran eased closer, leaning forward to sniff the female. “What is she doing?”

Was that a hint of jealousy in his Second’s tone? Caspian’s dick grew all the harder, the soft bottom butting up against it wiggling in unconscious response. “She’s earning another good meal, if nothing else. I’m almost tempted to…”

“To what?” Piercing green eyes darted from the sleeping mouse’s face to meet his, Kieran cocking a brow. “Are you… are you smiling?”

“I want you to watch me fuck her.” Why did that feel so good to say, and not just in the carnal sense? Caspian wanted the Second to sit and wait, and watch a woman who had purred only for him come apart.

“Can I touch her?”

An instant refusal came to his tongue, bitten back before it was more than a growl. His Second and Third had every right to demand their share, but for once, Caspian was not eager to offer. “Afterward.”

A trace of challenge, a reminder of what they were, led Kieran to narrow his eyes. “Toby will expect to at least lick her clean.”

That was an action beneath First Alpha and even that was more than Caspian wanted to share. Agitation hooked into the slipping sense of calm, leaving his stone-hard dick instantly uncomfortable. “Summon him when you are ready and I’ll leave you to it. See that he remembers his place.”

A handsome grin bloomed, Kieran chuckling. “Still pissed he gave her back that dress?”

Caspian had watched the recorded feed and seen how she’d clung to it for days. Even now, it was moldering in the corner of her bedroom. As punishment, Toby had been pinned and dominated. He had been splashed with his First’s seed and made to swallow. “He had his orders.”

“You know how he gets with women.”

Grave, Caspian drove the point home. “I know he’s killed three of the whores in my pen.”

Kieran shrugged as if their loss was nothing. “Betas.”

“She will see him on his best behavior. Do you understand me?” Caspian reached out, collaring his Second-Alpha in a menacing grip.

The second most dangerous Alpha in Dale City complied without question. “Yes, sir.”

Kieran’s throat was set free, Caspian running a touch over a milky white arm instead. The fine hairs under his fingertips rose, the mouse stirring. Lavender eyes blinked open just in time for the Omega to hear, “The mouse will rebuild her nest today. Praise her when it’s finished.”

“And if she disobeys?”

“Rape her.”

The Omega’s sweet purr dried up, the air once again soured with anxiety.

Pinching her chin, gentle as a monster might be, Caspian said, “Come now, sweet mouse. You’ll be a good girl for Kieran and Toby, so there is no reason to be afraid. But should my mouse choose to turn into an ordinary rat, she will be treated like one. Understood?”

The girl nodded, swallowing.

He booped her nose. “Feeling better?”

She nodded again, slower as if unsure what he expected.

“I’ve enjoyed the view of your tits for the last two hours, but it’s your cunt I want to see now. Strip. Stand with your legs apart in front of me and pull your pussy open.”

Lavender eyes darted to the other male, but not in eager anticipation. Her body language made it very clear she didn’t want the Second-Alpha anywhere near this.


A fierce sense of triumph roiled in Caspian’s stomach. His mouse wasn’t hoping the pretty boy would play, and it excited him. Stern and hungry for his due, he warned, “He’s already tasted your pussy, pretty mouse. And he will again if I order it. Get up and obey me. Spread those cunt lips and let me see.”

Climbing from his lap, she peeled her lower layers away. With a deep breath, she faced him full on, legs spread wide, her fingers caught on the sweet outer lips until the ripe inner flesh was on display.

Caspian reached forward, tracing a finger over all he found. Light stimulation, perhaps even the humiliation, brought drops of dew to collect at her opening, easing the slip of his exploration when he thrust two fingers as deep as he could reach.

A twist and a whirl and he pulled them free, holding shiny digits up for inspection. “I don’t see any blood. Did that hurt?”

The flash of temptation to lie leapt into her gaze and just as quickly vanished. She shook her head no.