“No.” Not yet. The little mouse only just had her first taste of what was to come. “You can have Rosie tonight. I’m done with her.”

Watching the distraught Omega, Kieran offered the purr Caspian was unable to create, still groaning in pleasure as he was.

The Second-Alpha’s hand brushed sweat-soaked hair from the woman, admiring what they both knew was a special kind of beauty. “When can I have this one? I want to know what made you roar like that.”

Barely able to catch his breath, little spurts still being drawn from his near empty sack, Caspian gave a lopsided grin. “Fuck Rosie. I’m not ready to share.”

“And Toby?”

“Have him take that boy to a doctor.” All this fun would go to shit if that kid died before Caspian was done with his new toy. “When he’s back, he can fuck Rosie too.”

Chapter 7

Wren would never forget the sensation of a cork popping—hot fluid spraying out between her legs, irritating stinging skin and leaving a lapping puddle under the blanket.

She’d still been in a daze when that fat snake of meat had slithered from her body, the stroke of a rough-skinned hand down the side of her face Caspian’s only goodbye.

She’d slept like the dead when it was done, waking sore and sticky…

And lonesome.

The sound of the boys’ gaming console blared its racket in the front room, encouraging Wren to forget her embarrassment and climb groaning from the soiled nest. Hand pressed between her legs, fingers growing drenched with the lingering taint that dripped out, she limped to her dresser and dug out some clothes.

Soft flannel seemed to scratch such sensitive skin, pants leaving her hissing in pain when pulled them over bruises.

She felt filthy both in body and spirit, biting back a cry when she turned and saw the state of her nest.


Unwilling to wade through cum-soaked bedding to fix it, Wren turned her back and went to the door.

Forcing herself forward, she breathed through the aching discomfort between her legs and rounded the hall to find it was not Mikael slapping the controller and cursing at the screen.

He saw her the second she saw him—the shaved head Alpha who’d broken into her home with his boss.

The entirety of his carriage changed when she instinctively snarled, the male no longer casual or focused on fun. He moved slowly, lowering the controller and rising to stand. “I’m Toby.”

Who cared?

The couch had no Mikael on it. Where was her boy?

“There are books in here, so Caspian assumed you knew how to read.” The voice didn’t match the gruff demeanor or creepy smirk. It was cultured, educated even. The man gestured to the coffee table where his feet had rested only moments before. “He left you a letter.”

That would mean she had to walk closer to this stranger, and that was the last thing she wanted to do.

“Can you read?”

In a temper, Wren signed, “Read this, you fucking scumbag. Where is Mikael?”

“I picked up the read part and the fuck bit. I think it’s safe to say the rest was something you’re going to regret later.”

“I regret every goddamn thing that happened today!”

“Calm down. I’m not here to upset you.” The man held his hands out in a conciliatory gesture, but failed to lose that unsettling grin or the unwavering stare. “You got a raw deal. Have a seat, I’ll get you some water. You’ll read the letter, and that will be that.”

The need to know her boy was okay outweighed her need to stay away from all males forever. Hobbling cautiously closer, Wren snatched the folded paper, backing away as soon as it was in her fingers. When her back hit the wall, she set her eyes to the chicken scratch:

The boy was taken to a doctor in Shirley.


Tossing the letter aside she signed, “Which doctor? I want to see him! Where is Alec?”

“I don’t know what you’re saying.” But he damn well knew what her intent was.

The boys. The reason she pressed a hand between her aching legs and slipped down to the floor until her butt hit cracked tile. They were her reason for all of it and neither of them were here.

Alec had not come home. Mikael was sick… and now missing.

And she had whored herself out…

Taking a second to regroup, to figure out why the room was spinning, Wren closed her eyes and tried to think.

Toby trod across the tile to use her filtration system and pour a fresh cup. When he reached where she’d tucked her head against her knees, he patted her shoulder, murmuring, “Here. You’re lightheaded because you need water. Lots of water. Omegas are special in this way.”

She took the cup expressly so he’d back away, which he did. And then she drank. When it was empty he gave her another.

“I have something for you. It might cheer you up.”