Another Alpha might have bought the mouse and forced in his knot, but no one else had tasted her or fucked her proper. The Beta-drunk Alphas who thought they ran this city hardly even knew where to stick it. They got their rocks off easy and often with their stables of Betas, buying Omegas only for bragging rights and to breed.

It wasn’t the first time Caspian had heard of a girl being cast off for failing to come after a few quick thrusts and hard cuff to the face. Most Omegas squeezed in their panic, clenching hard enough around a knot for an Alpha to spurt a load. The privileged males couldn’t tell the difference in sensation and had no idea what they were missing.

They didn’t know how to tease an Omega into bloom or know how to make a mute one sing.

Caspian might not have been handsome like Kieran, or charismatic like Toby, but he was perceptive in a way most people couldn’t imagine. He knew what the mouse needed and gave it so he could take all he wanted and more.

It was utterly selfish and completely delightful.

To see her sprawled sweaty and slick-covered under him, to watch astounded lavender eyes turn black with lust—his cock ached as it pulsated in his fist.

Her nest would be in ruins by the time he was done. He’d paint the walls of her hovel in cum and walk away smiling knowing she’d never get the smell out.

Her pink little pussy still fluttered against him, soft rolls of her hips spreading him with all that slippery invitation. Snowy-white skin, head pillowed in soft wisps of hair, puffed pink nipples and a soft smile under lust-drunk eyes. Pretty as a picture, and he couldn’t wait to watch her face screw up in pleasure as he pumped her full of thick ropes of sticky Alpha sperm.

The thought alone and he spurt just enough precum to splash her belly and startle the little thing out of her swoon. Good. He wanted her lucid when he tore into that hole, wanted to see the play of pain and pleasure ripple across her face.

Cockhead swollen red, Caspian leaned over her and jerked off until another spurt hit her perfect tits. Fuuuuck, it looked pretty there. Sweet as honey on a strawberry.

Dipping his head to swipe up a glob, he moved to her lips and spit it right on her tongue. Her little choke and successive following hum left him satisfied. She liked his taste as much as he liked hers, which was good, because he was going to cum down that throat until sperm leaked from her eyeballs.

Skull fucking that mouth while Toby fucked her ass and Kieran destroyed her pussy…

Caspian spurt again, catching the sweet stuff in his palm. Again he licked it up and brought it to her parted lips, jamming his tongue deep to coat her palate with his flavor.

He wondered how she’d look with a woman feasting between her legs, if she’d hate it and silently beg him to stop her. He almost hoped so. She’d come so fucking flawlessly despite her disgust, eyes locked on his, cheeks flushed from pleasure and shame.

“Fuck…” Breathless and rattling out a growl demanding submission, Caspian put a stop to the fantasies and looked reality right in her blown eyes.

Mushroom tip notched where the mouth of her cunt suckled with each squirm, he found her resistant when his hips tilted.

Tight and ready to be subjugated.

An inch was gained, Caspian grinding his teeth and straining with the ferocity of his growl.

The call set her still, but left her cunt fluttering only enough that a rough jolt forward buried merely half his length in spasming perfection.

Shouting, he pulled out a fraction of the way and reared back until she squealed. “My little mouse is going to take all this cock and choke her cunt on it!”

The muscles in his ass clenched tight, he drove forward again and fought his way through the last of her body’s resistance. The Omega began to shiver beneath him, somewhat in shock and somewhat in desire, but he was too far gone to notice.

The rut came full upon him, the Alpha mindless in his quest to seed fertile ground. Cunt walls slippery with slick, clenched and rattled as he pounded his dick deeper yet. The wet sucking sound of her pussy, the smack of his balls against her ass, each note stabbed into the base of his cock swelling it bigger and bigger.

He sucked the tip of one bobbing tit so hard the female shrilled. He moved to the other breast to bite and bruise so she’d know who’d fucked her. All the while, paltry scratches from petite hands brought a pleasing sting to his back and arms.

Her body was ready; he could smell it in the tinge of her fear.