“A kid overdosed,” Clete said. “He’s coming around. Maybe I can handle it.”

“OD-ed on what?”

“Unknown,” Clete said.

The man got out of the cruiser and shut the door. His suit fit him like a tent. “What’s your name?”

“Clete Purcel. I’m a PI from New Orleans.”

“I’m Detective Bell. Let’s take a look at your friend.”

“Can I see your shield?” Clete said.

Bell wore a clip-on holster; there was a sag on the right side of his coat. “What’s this cruiser look like, a school bus?”

“You’re a plainclothes responding to a disturbance report?”

“A gas line blew up about a mile from here. I just got off my shift and volunteered to fill in. You smell like a cross between a beer vat and a rendering plant, sport. Want to drive your friend to the hospital or let me do my job?”


Bell laughed to himself and studied his note pad. “I got a bad habit of giving people names. Your friend

is in room 136?”

Clete nodded.

“Stay behind me,” Bell said. He looked at the sky. “Strange weather, huh? One minute it’s balmy, then coconuts are coming down on your car. Purcel? Where did I hear that name? You haven’t been inside, have you?”

“You mean in the joint?” Clete said.

Bell kept walking and didn’t reply.

“Hello?” Clete said at his back.

“You look a little woozy. I hope you’re not planning on driving anywhere tonight. This is Monroe County. Heavy on family values. Kind of place that’s not DUI or spear-chunker friendly.”

“What was that last part?”

“I was pulling your leg. Had you going, didn’t I?”

Chapter Twelve

JOHNNY HAD FALLEN on the floor of his room. “Help me get him on the bed,” Clete said.

“Put a pillow under his head and leave him where he is,” Bell said, his eyes roving around the room. “Did you get rid of his works?”

“No,” Clete replied. “Why’d you ask me if I was inside?”

Bell grinned. “You look like you’ve been around. No insult intended. Anyway, I don’t know what to tell you, Mr. Purcel. This kid has tracks on both arms. It’s your decision.”

“I’ll take care of him.”

Bell nodded contemplatively. “Tell me the truth. You’ve been up the road?”

“A navy brig and a few local slams. I was in the Crotch.”

“Semper Fi,” Bell said.