"Clete —"

"Toward evening I made a house call out at Pitts's motel. He was lifting weights in a cottage out back. He was also getting a blow job. The girl was black, maybe sixteen or seventeen years old." Clete tossed the remainder of his coffee into the grass and stared at the bayou.

"Go on," I said.

"The girl went into the motel, probably to scrub her teeth with Liquid Drano. So I ducked into the cottage. I was just going to have a motivational talk with the guy. He was lying on a bench, pressing a bar with maybe a hundred and seventy-five pounds on it. I waited till the bar was down on his chest, then I came up behind him and grabbed it and held it there so he couldn't lift it up again."

"I go, 'You busted up my podjo, motherfucker. That means you take the payback or give up the guy who sent you. Want a second to think it over'?"

"He goes, 'Oh, it's Louisiana Fats again. I thought you were getting your cheeks oiled at the jail.' "

"I go, 'Bad time to be a wiseass, Billy Joe,' and roll the bar toward his throat."

"I thought he'd give it up. He was popping with sweat, his face starting to get a little purple. Then he says, 'Does Robicheaux make you squat down for your nose lube?' "

Clete blew out his breath. "What was I supposed to do? The clock was running. The guy almost took your head off with a two-by-four. He made a teenage girl cop his swizzle stick. He's a dirty cop. He should have had his spokes ripped out a long time ago. So I did it."


"Maybe hurt him a little when I picked up the bar and dropped it on him."

Clete looked sideways at me, then back at the bayou again. I could hear the rain ticking on the trees and the camellias that grew along the water's edge. I was afraid to ask the next question. "Is he —"

"I didn't hang around. Last I saw, he was thrashing around on the floor, holding his throat. Red froth was kind of blowing out of his mouth," Clete said. He looked at me again, waiting for me to speak, unable to hide the apprehension in his face.

So I slipped back into my old role as Clete's enabler and answered the question that was in his eyes. "To my knowledge no one has contacted the department. Did you check in with Willie and Nig?" I said.

"Are you kidding? The last thing they want is their hired skip chaser bringing an A and B beef down on their heads."

He lit a Lucky Strike with an old Zippo and flicked the cap shut. He inhaled on the cigarette, blowing the smoke out through his fingers, then ground it out in the dirt. I could almost see his heart beating against his shirt.

"I'll make some calls. It's probably not as bad as you think," I said.

St. Augustine said we should never use the truth to injure. Who was I to argue with a patristic saint? Besides, what else can you do when your best friend regularly allows his soul to be shot out of a cannon on your behalf?

I changed the subject and told him about my encounter with Valentine Chalons at the homicide scene Thursday night. At first Clete's eyes remained focused inward on his own thoughts, then I saw his attention begin to shift from his own troubles to mine.

"You say this guy Chalons blew it?" he said.

"He told me he never heard of Troy Bordelon. But his news crew was at the hospital. I'm sure they were covering the knife attack on Troy."

"That doesn't mean Chalons knew about it," Clete said.

"He's a good newsman. Nothing slides by him."

"We're back to this Ida Durbin broad again? And rich people in St. Mary Parish you can't stand. There's a pattern here, big mon," Clete said.

"Clete, sometimes you can make me wish one of us was stone drunk or down at the methadon clinic," I said.

"What can I say? You'll never change. If you don't believe me, ask anybody who knows you."

I wanted to punch him.

I went to the office and buried myself in our newly opened investigation into the death by strangulation and massive head trauma of Fontaine Belloc, the wife of the DEQ officer serving federal time at Seagoville, Texas. She had been raped before she died., and the semen in her body had come back a match with the Baton Rouge serial killer's, pulling us into an investigation that was now drawing national attention and every kind of meddlesome intrusion imaginable.

A famous crime novelist from the East ensconced herself in the middle of the investigation and the attendant publicity; psychics came out of the woodwork; and psychological profilers were interviewed on state television almost daily. The revelation that the murders of over thirty Baton Rouge women had remained unsolved in the last decade left local people stunned and disbelieving. Sporting goods stores quickly ran out of pepper spray and handguns.

Law enforcement agencies in other states began to contact Baton Rouge P.D. looking for ties to their own files of unsolved pattern homicides. The number of serial killings throughout the United States, as well as disappearances that were likely homicides, was a comment about the underside of our society that no humanist would care to dwell upon.