His nose broke and slung a string of blood across his shoulder. He stared at her in disbelief and she hit him again, this time directly in his overbite, breaking his upper teeth at the gums. His face quivered as though he had been electrically shocked, then the thousands of tiny wrinkles in his face flattened with rage and he attacked her with his fists.

He swung wildly, like a girl, but he was strong and driven by his pain and the disfigurement she had already done his face and she knew it was only a matter of time until he wrested the mattock from her.

His hands locked on the handle, his nose draining blood across his mouth, his broken teeth like ragged pieces of ceramic in his gums. She closed her eyes against the stench of his breath.

Passion picked up the weed sickle from the porch step and came through the door and drove the curved point into Carmouche’s back, pushing with the heel of her hand against the dull side of the blade. His mouth fell open and his chin jutted upward like a man who had been garroted. He fell backwards, stumbling, reaching behind him with one hand as though he could insert a thumb in the hole that was stealing the air from his lung.

He collapsed on one knee, his eyes suddenly luminous, like a man kneeling inside a cave filled with specters whose existence he had long ago forgotten.

Letty hit him again and again with the mattock while Passion shut the back door so the little girl could not see inside the house. Letty’s robe and work shoes and arms and thighs were splattered with Carmouche’s blood, but her violence and anger found no satiation, and a muted, impotent cry came from between her teeth each time she swung the mattock.

Passion put her hand on her sister’s shoulder and moved her away from Carmouche’s body.

“What? What is it?” Letty said, as though awakening from a trance.

Passion didn’t reply. Instead, she lifted the sickle above her head and looked into Carmouche’s eyes.

“Don’t … please,” he said, his hand fluttering toward his cowboy belt buckle.

Then Passion’s arm came down and Letty pressed both her forearms against her ears so she would not hear the sound that came from his throat.


I went home instead of returning to the office. I sat at one of the spool tables on the dock, the Cinzano umbrella popping in the breeze above my head, and looked at the blue jays flying in and out of the cypress and willow trees. I watched the clouds marble the swamp with shadow and light, and the wind from the Gulf straightening the moss on the dead snags. I stayed there a long time, although I didn’t look at my watch, like a person who has strayed unknowingly into the showing of a pornographic film and would like to rinse himself of a new and unwanted awareness about human behavior.

The story of Carmouche’s death was repellent. I wished I had not heard it, and I wished I did not have to make decisions about it.

I walked up to the house and told Bootsie of my morning with Passion Labiche.

She didn’t say anything for perhaps a full minute. She got up from the kitchen table and stood at the sink and looked into the yard.

“What are you going to do?” she asked, her back to me.

“Nothing she told me can help her sister.”

“You have the sickle in the truck?”

“I put it back under the house.”

I went to the stove and poured a cup of coffee. She turned around and followed me with her eyes.

“You’re going across a line, Dave,” she said.

“I virtually coerced a confession out of her. I don’t know if Carmouche deserved to die the way he did, but I know the girls didn’t deserve what happened to them.”

She walked to the stove and slipped her hand down my forearm and hooked her fingers under my palm.

“You know what I would do?” she said.

“What?” I said, turning to look at her.

“Start the day over. You set out to help Passion and Letty. Why bring them more harm? If Letty were tried today, she might go free. You want to enable a process that’s already ignored the injury done to two innocent children?”

Bootsie was forever the loyal friend and knew what to say in order to make me feel better. But the real problem was one that went beyond suppression of nonexculpatory evidence in a crime of eight years ago. I was tired of daily convincing myself that what I did for a living made a difference.

I fixed a ham and onion sandwich for myself and ate it on the picnic table in the backyard. A few minutes later Bootsie came outside and sat down across from me, a small cardboard box in her hand.

“I hate to hit you with this right now, but this came in the morning mail. Alafair left it on her bed. I shouldn’t have read the letter, but I did when I saw the name at the bottom,” she said.