Then she was gone.

When I got back to the apartment I called Minos at the guesthouse on St. Charles. I told him the buy had gone all right.

"We were only about a mile away. You didn't see us?" he said.


"You stopped at a filling station on the way back. You had a girl with you."

"You guys are pretty good. You know anything about the girl? Her first name is Kim."

"No. What about her?"

"She seems too smart for the company she keeps."

"If she's with Tony C.'s crowd, she's somebody's punch."

"I don't read her like that."

"A broad's a broad to those guys. They don't keep them around because they have Phi Beta Kappa keys."

"She said Lionel and the Latin guy who made the delivery killed somebody with a piece of piano wire."

"I haven't heard that one. But Lionel's got the potential. He was on the boxing team in Angola. They say he did some real damage to a couple of guys."

"Thanks for telling me, Minos."

"An agent'll pick up the coke about eight-thirty in the morning. He'll look like a geek, but he's one of ours."

"I don't want to make this a permanent job. Let's up the ante now."

"It went well tonight. Be patient. Let things take their own course."

"Those guys are dipshits and addicts. The mule talked like a pimp. We're not going to get anywhere dealing with them. Let me take a deal straight to Cardo, something that'll make him hungry."

"Like what?"

"Can you shake loose five hundred thou?"

"Maybe. But you may still end up dealing with the dipshits."

"No, I'm going to offer him something he doesn't have. But you've got to give me some more help. Get Purcel in on the sting."


"He's a good man."

"It's out of the question."

"Minos, I'm by myself in this thing. I want somebody covering my back."

"What are you going to offer Cardo besides the buy?"

"Deal Purcel in and we'll talk about it."

"We don't negotiate at this phase of the operation, Dave."

"We do."