“When you transport a prisoner, you transport the prisoner,” I said.

“They told me you were a hard-nose.”


“We’re stopping,” he said. “I’m not cleaning up some guy’s diarrhea. That don’t sit right with you, I’m sorry.”

He pulled into the bay of the filling station. Inside the office a kid was reading a comic book behind an old desk. He put down the comic and walked outside. Lester got out of the car and opened his badge on him.

“We’re with the sheriff’s office,” he said. “A prisoner needs to use your rest room.”

“What?” the kid said.

“Can we use your rest room?”

“Yeah, sure. You want any gas?”

“No.” Lester got back in the car, leaving the kid standing there, and backed the car around the side of the station, out of the light, to the men’s room door.

Tee Beau was awake now, staring out into the darkness. In the headlights I could see a tree-lined coulee, with canebrakes along its banks, behind the station. Lester cut the engine, got out of the car again, unlocked the back door, and helped Boggs out into the light rain by one arm. Boggs kept breathing through his nose and letting the air out with a shudder.

“I’ll unlock one hand and give you five minutes,” Lester said. “You give me any more trouble, you can ride the rest of the way in the trunk.”

“I ain’t giving you no trouble. I told them all day I was sick.”

Lester took his handcuff key out of his pocket.

“Check the rest room first,” I said.

“I’ve been here before. There’s no windows. Lay off me, Robicheaux.”

I let out my breath, opened my door, and started to get out.

“All right, all right,” Lester said. He walked Boggs to the rest room door, opened it, flipped on the light, and looked inside. “It’s a box, like I said. You want to look?”

“Check it.”

“Bullshit,” he said. He unlocked Boggs’s right hand from the manacle attached to the waist chain. As soon as Boggs’s hand was free, he combed his hair back over his head with his fingers, looked back at the car, then walked inside the rest room with the short, mincing steps that the leg chain would allow him. He clicked the bolt behind him.

This time I got out of the car.

“What’s the matter with you?” Lester said.

“You’re doing too many things wrong.” I came around the front of the car toward him. The headlights were still on.

“Look, I’m in charge of this assignment. You don’t like the way I handle it, you write up a complaint when we get back.”

“Boggs has killed three people. He killed the bar owner with a baseball bat. Does that tell you something?”

“Yeah, that maybe you’re a little bit obsessive. You think that might be the problem here?”

I unsnapped the holster on my .45 and banged on the rest room door with my fist.

“Open it up, Boggs,” I yelled.

“I’m on the toilet,” he said.

“Open the door!”