Page 71 of Queen Move

“Who was that on the phone?” she asks.

“Piers, one of my staff. We’re gearing up for the gubernatorial race.”

“Which one?” She pauses in buttering a slice of toast.

“Georgia.” I wink and flash her a smile. “I’m hoping Congressman Ruiz will hire us.”

“Did Keith talk to you about his campaign?”

My smile slips. “Briefly.”

“And?” Mama cocks an imperious brow.

“We’ll see.”

“We’ll see?” Mama drops her toast and any pretense of casual interest. “Kimba Truth Allen, are you telling me you’ll get that white boy elected president, make this Mateo man a governor, but can’t be bothered to help your own brother?”

My chin auto-lifts, defiant before I have time to catch it. “I’m telling you I’m not sure Keith should be running at all.”

“And who made you the expert?”

“I did, Mama. I literally made myself the expert by doing this and doing it well the last fifteen years of my life.”

“Don’t forget what your father used to say.” Mama resumes buttering her toast. “Family is most important. Don’t get too big for your britches.”

“My britches are sized just right, thank you very much,” I say, caressing the gold ring on my thumb. “Daddy also said never take on a problem that has no solution. If Keith isn’t cut out for this, he’ll spend his entire political career going from one fire to the next frying pan. I, for one, will not babysit his ass through that, and I won’t mislead the people of this district into that disappointment.”

“If you won’t help him, we’ll find someone who will.”

“You are completely missing the point,” I say, dropping my volume to mutter. “As usual.”

“What’d you say? Don’t be talking under your breath to me, young lady. Say what you have to say if you’re gonna say it.”

“I said, you’re missing the point. This isn’t about me not wanting to help Keith. This is a question of him being fit for office and ready to serve. I pressed on some very basic issues, and he wasn’t prepared to discuss them. He’s got a long way to go before he’s ready to run.” I set down my tea and look her in the eyes. “And do you know he cheats on Delaney?”

She doesn’t reply, but bites into her toast and smiles over my shoulder. “Esmerelda, all done?”

“Yes,” the soft reply comes from behind me.

“Thank you. Then let me grab my checkbook.” Mama stands and shoots me a look loaded with reproach and warning. “I’ll be back.”

When I was growing up, that look paired with that tone would have me stewing in dread and trepidation. Instead, I can’t wait until she comes back. I’m right and I want this fight.

“As I was saying,” Mama starts when she sits down again.

“Actually, I was asking if you know your son cheats on his wife, and I was waiting for your answer.”

“I’m aware they’ve had some challenges, yes, as all young couples do. That doesn’t make him unfit for office. Surely many of your candidates had those kinds of…challenges.”

“Of course, but they wouldn’t be dragging the Allen name through the mud with their weak character and incompetence. Daddy’s legacy is attached to Keith, and—”

“Ha!” Her scoffing laugh cuts over my point.

“Excuse me? But did you have something to say? If so, say it, Mama.”

“Your father’s legacy,” she says, rolling her eyes. “Girl, is that tea or Kool-Aid you’re drinking? Your daddy wasn’t perfect.”

“He was a great man,” I fire back, ice stiffening my spine.