Page 101 of Queen Move

I touch my tangled cloud of hair. “Yeah. Bad.”

Chapter Thirty-Two


“Uh, maybe another two weeks.” I run a weary hand over my face and adjust my wireless headphones. “I can have the final draft to you then.”

“Oh, good.” Sienna, my editor, sounds relieved. “We’re so excited about this book, Ezra. The sooner we can get early copies out, the better.”

“I’m excited, too.” I close my laptop and lean back in my seat.

“No, like, we’re really excited. We’re talking Oprah’s Book Club level excited. We can’t wait to get this to her team. To Reese. All the libraries.”

“Whoa. Okay. I didn’t realize there would be such a…a push.”

“Are you kidding? Disadvantaged kids. Philanthropy. Quality education. This is Lean On Me stuff.”

“I’m no Morgan Freeman and there are no baseball bats in my book.” I chuckle. “But I’m glad you feel good about it.”

“Not to mention you.”

“Me? What about me?”

“Your own story is fascinating. Biracial. Jewish. Grew up here in Atlanta then off to Europe. Howard. UCLA for your doctorate. Returning to your roots to do good. Perfect set up.”

“We’ll see.”

“I already know,” Sienna says. “Let’s check in next week. Loved what you showed me so far and can’t wait to read the rest.”


When we hang up, I glance around my home office and just absorb all the good in my life. A book I wrote is being published. I wouldn’t have imagined that. My dream of serving families struggling to access quality education has more than come true. It’s thriving. I pick up one of the pictures on my desk of Aiko, Noah and me. I have a remarkable son for whom I’d do anything. And Aiko…

I’m almost there. Almost completely free and clear to start a new chapter with Kimba. Nothing will stop that. Not this time.

“It’s just me!”

The door to the backyard slams and Mona’s footsteps pound through the mudroom.

And stop.

I leave the office and head toward the kitchen. Mona’s standing in the mudroom, holding one of the shimmery wings from the dress Kimba wore last night.

“Guess she didn’t go straight home,” Mona says. “When Janet’s away, Jack and Chrissy will play.”

“It’s not like that,” I say, walking into the kitchen and leaning against the counter.

“Oh, so you didn’t fuck her?” Mona and I stare at each other, stewing in the silence left behind by her intrusive question.

“That’s none of your business, Mo,” I say softly, trying to keep my voice even, even though her comment annoys me.

“Since when?” she demands, an answering irritation in her voice. “You and Aiko are my friends. Noah is practically my godson. I love you all. I love Kimba. I don’t want to see any of you get hurt.”

“There are things you don’t know.” I draw a deep breath and then plunge ahead. “Aiko and I broke up.”

“I heard.”

“You heard? Where?”