Page 61 of Hook Shot (Hoops 3)

Lotus: Subject: SATURDAY

Now we’re talking.

Me: What’s happening Saturday?

Lotus: Brooklyn, if you want.

Me: Oh, I definitely want.

Lotus: I’ll send deets. I know how much you love those. ;-)



“This is not a date,” I tell the girl in the mirror.

I’ve tamed my braids into a top knot and I kept my makeup light, natural. I’m wearing a lilac strapless top and tiny denim shorts that barely cover the tattoos ringing the very tops of my thighs. My eyes are sparkling.

Dammit, why are my eyes sparkling?

What is this boom-crash-thump my heart does while I’m waiting for Kenan’s knock at the door?

Why is my belly flip-flopping at the thought of spending the entire day with him?

“This is not a date,” I grimly remind my reflection.

“If it looks like a date and quacks like a date,” Yari says from the door to my bedroom, “it’s a date.”

“What do you know?” I ask, turning around to grin at her. She’s still in her pajamas and her hair is a half-curly, half-straight mess all over her head. “Also, what bush did you sleep in?”


; “Girl, there wasn’t much sleeping,” she says, her smile a dirty, satisfied smear on her pretty face. “Pedro spent the night.”

“Oh, well look at you, getting some.” I laugh and put on oversized hoop earrings. “Haven’t you known him like forever?”

“One of those guys from the neighborhood who’s been sniffing around since high school, yeah. I never gave him the time of day, and after all these years, I finally did.” She tips her head down and slants me a meaningful look. “Lo, dude showed me what he was working with last night. It’s a lot.”

I smooth sunscreen on my arms and legs. It’s a myth that brown doesn’t burn. “That good, huh?”

“Yeah.” She pauses to look me over, head to toe. “You say you don’t want to catch a fish, but you baiting that hook mighty hard. You look good, Lo. You might have to remind Kenan it’s not a date, too.”

“He knows,” I say and grab my small leather crossbody bag.

The teasing leaves Yari’s face. “What’s really going on with you two?”

I pause in making sure I have lip balm and cash for the day. “What do you mean?”

“Look, I know you claim not to be into Kenan like that, and I know you’re in this legs closed phase, but you don’t fool me. I know you, Lo,” Yari says. “You like him, and I don’t want to see you get hurt.

“I don’t know, Ri. I’m attracted to him. He seems too good to be true. We haven’t kissed again since that party, but . . .”

I recall the firm, soft press of his mouth into mine. Remember him handling me like I was precious.

“But . . .” Yari prompts, smiling.

“He says the next time we kiss, I’ll have to make it happen.” I release a breathy laugh. “I want to make it happen. I do, but I got some real shit to sort through.”