“I just got a call from Mexico, Eliza,” he growls, both his hands balled into fists. “Taylor was murdered. They found him on the highway, his car riddled with bullets. Wanna take a guess at who did it?”
“I...I don’t know.”
“The fucking Colombians, Eliza! Your fucking Cabeza Dios cartel!”
As he says it, he takes one swing at me; reacting on nothing but pure instinct, I duck under his arm and then push my feet off the floor as hard as I can. Propelling myself upward, I slam the open palm of my hand on his chin, forcing him to stagger back.
It doesn’t take long for him to get his bearings back.
“You fucking betrayed me,” he whispers, his rage cooling down into a violent need for revenge. “Taylor’s dead because of you.”
“I had nothing to do with it, asshole,” I spit back at him. “We’ve just found the formula, and all we need now is the goddamn cypher. Why would I risk all we’ve done just to ice your friend? Does it make any sense to you, you stupid meathead?”
Grayson stares at me for a long moment, and I can almost see the gears inside his head turning.
“I had nothing to do with it,” I repeat. “But my boss, Lorenzo Quentin…this was probably a warning,” I say to him. “He doesn’t want anyone to get too comfortable with this arrangement we worked out.”
Ever since we started working together and told our respective cartels, I’ve worried about this. Not would they send a warning.
But what kind of warning would they end up sending.
“Swear to me,” he growls, taking one step toward me. I stand my ground, looking him straight in the eye as he closes in on me.
“I’m not going to swear shit,” I reply, my heart racing at a thousand miles per hour. “You either believe me or you don’t.”
“Swear to me,” he continues, his words now a whisper. He reaches for my neck again, wrapping his fingers around it softly. “Swear to me, Eliza...or swear to God, I’ll fuck you up.”
That sets me off.
My heart’s pumping boiling blood.
Who the fuck is this asshole to threaten me. I’d kill this motherfucker if he weren’t so fucking beautiful.
And kind.
And protective.
And make my blood boil.
Adrenaline is raging through my veins.
Placing my hands on his forearms, I jump up and lace my legs tight around his waist, pulling him into me. As he presses his body against mine, our foreheads close together, I grin.
Then I reach for his cock.
“Is that a threat...or a promise?”
What is Eliza trying to pull? “You sure you can handle what you’re about to get?” I know when I say these words it will set her off.
But she needs to know. I’m not dialing back one second if she thinks we’re playing here.
“Fuck you,” Eliza spits in my face.
“Oh, princess, I fucking will,” I say, grabbing her arms and pulling her so that our noses are pressed into each other. “I’ll fuck the goddamn life out of you, what else do we have to do while we go on this goddamn wild goose chase while you take me for a dumb fucking prick. You told your guys to kill Taylor didn’t you? How else did they find us?” I’m shaking her.