“I’ll deal with them after I deal with you and your bitch,” I answer. “Now raise those hands.”
She’s crafty and she follows my directions at first. Maybe we’ll get through this with a minimum of bloodshed.
But the second she throws the first punch in my direction, I fucking know it is the end of me. The fire inside this woman is like nothing I’ve ever seen.
I back up, but she swivels on her feet and kicks my gun right out of my hands.
Fuck. She’s not even a little dumb. She’s crafty.
“I’ve heard all about you,” Eliza says, spitting when I land a good hit on her face and she’s recoiling, but just for a second. “You’re not carving me up, Teague.”
Mmm, baby, no I’m not. I’m going to utterly lose my goddamn mind watching you dodge every hit you can, and how hard you fight back.
Eliza even manages to land a few hits at me. She is even smart enough to be conserving her energy, as much as she can.
Because when she gets tired, she’ll get sloppy.
When Eliza gets sloppy, that will be the fucking end of her because I’m a stronger fighter. Eliza has a clean-cut cartel job, but all the dirty work? That’s all me.
There’s a fire in her, but I’m supposed to snuff it out.
I grab her, holding her throat and pressing her against a wall. I should strangle her now. I feel her tensing her neck muscles so I can’t do that. She’s trying to kick.
That’s when I feel that hesitation creeping up inside me again. The one that makes me weak, that let’s her break free.
And that’s when the fucking maricón cocksucker she’s with reaches over and grabs a metal bar and hits her on the back. With a thump, she hits the ground.
I can’t believe my eyes.
He fucking betrayed Eliza. I can tell by the situation. This is one I know more than anything else. It is one that I’m always ready to snuff out, one that I react to practically on instinct.
“Juan!” she gasps.
I don’t know who the fuck Juan is but I knew that look on her face. She struggles to get up but he’s completely blindsided her and kicks her to the ground again.
“What are you doing?” she cries.
“I’m taking what’s mine, puta!” he yells.
Let me just say that I’m standing there, watching Cabeza Dios attack each other. This is not what I expected when I touched down and wasted the Envigado fucks and got ready to meet Eliza.
“The cartel…” she starts but he spits on her.
“Has never given me the fucking glory or the money that they shower on you,” he says, his face twisting into a grimace. “It’s always Eliza this. Eliza that. Use Juan for whatever you need and then throw him back in the closet.”
“That’s not true,” she protests.
“Bullshit,” he says. “This coke squared is going to be your calling card. And I’ll probably be forgotten soon. Then one day someone comes and takes me out back. Tells me thank you for your service and puts a bullet in my head.”
“I always trusted you,” she says, clearly hurt at this betrayal.
“Well, you should have seen I was unhappy with this shit,” he says. “This fucking cartel gives me the info to give you like I’m your whipping boy. This is going to be my game now. Coke squared is going to be big. And you’ll fail. But, I’ll succeed. Bitch,” he says, and he spits at her again. Then he pulls out a wicked looking knife he must have had hidden.
He fucking betrayed Eliza.