Page 48 of Don't Trust Him

“Hide. Then go on the offensive,” he finishes my sentence. “They don’t expect us to hide. They expect us to run. If we duck out now, they’ll never see it coming.”

“They won’t.”

“We get out, get some cover, get our operation running, and then we strike,” he says to me as I’m nodding. “We’re going to war. The first thing we need to do is make sure we have a place we can plan it from. That means getting to fucking safety.”

“We’ll get through this.” Pulling me into his embrace, he looks straight at me—and in his eyes, I see it all. Lust, ambition, “Now that I’ve found you, Eliza...I realized something else too.”


He makes a pause, runs the tip of his tongue over his lips, and then leans in and kisses me.

“We were born to rule.”

“King and Queen.”

“More than that, Eliza. We’ll be gods.”



If I can’t save my baby, then I’m not a fucking man.

There’s just no other way around it.

And every fucking last goddamn criminal out there with a dick bigger than a golf pencil wants our formula.

We have to do whatever it takes.


That’s how many favors I have left from my guy. Taylor was my buddy. The closest friend I had in the world. But I still have one “guy.” A guy that’s loyal to a point and I have to stretch that point.


How many hours I can buy us before they figure out that none of the decoys out there are us. That’s gotta be enough time to move the batch, build a new cypher for the formula, destroy the current one, and get the papers we need to get the fuck out of dodge.


How many orgasms I gave Eliza while we were coming up with our plan.

It helps me think, hearing my woman cum, okay?

Plus, the scent of her on my fingers makes everything they do gold. I figured out exactly how to make several trails — decoy trails, and untraceable trails, so that those fourteen hours are almost guaranteed.


How long our private jet will be flying to get us the fuck out of dodge.

How many orgasms do you think I can give Eliza then?

We’ll see. Today’s the fucking test of our abilities, for sure, because as much crafty shit as we’re trying to pull, there’s always a bodycount.



“They’ve only just now found the first trail. Seems Rafe was able to help quite a bit with taking out the best guys in the business. Maybe even get a few on our side. We’ll know when we can actually catch up with him,” I tell Eliza, stroking her long leg that’s up in my lap.