Some of the other women in their group started to talk badly about Yellow for moving from one dude in the group and right on to another. Yet Bella had stood up for her.

Apparently, Yellow and Chad hadn’t panned out either, though. After one date together, they’d never gone out again. So she moved on to yet another member of the group. She moved on to Ethan.

Bella went over one morning to his apartment to surprise him and found Ethan and Yellow in bed together. My poor sister had been blindsided, sobbing in my arms, confessing how surprised she’d been. Yellow had seemed so sweet and innocent to her. She’d even defended Yellow when the other girls in their group had bashed her.

I had to admit, I’d gotten my own taste of Yellow’s kind, guileless side. She’d suckered me in, just like she had my twin. And it had made me forget all about the first time I’d met her myself at Ethan’s apartment.

A week after Bella had caught Ethan cheating and she’d broken things off with him, I’d gone over with her to his apartment to pick up her things she’d left behind. But as soon as we reached his door and before we could even knock on it, it opened to display a tumbled blonde, her hair a mess and clothes wrinkled with a bra clutched to her chest in a death grip.

She jarred to a halt when she saw us, her face pale and eyes dazed and disoriented. Appearing scared to death, she recoiled in horror when she focused on Bella.

“Oh, you bitch,” Bella seethed. “


She physically dove at Yellow, her hands curled into claws as she screamed vile accusations. I’d had to move quickly to wrap an arm around my twin’s waist and hold her back.

In return, Yellow had sucked in a breath and gaped at us. Her gaze met mine for the first time. She seemed so panicked and unsure, I could actually read her thoughts as she gaped at me.

What do I do? What do I do?

“Go,” I growled, not sure how long I could hold my sister off her.

And so she’d gone, racing past us, never to be heard from again until I ran into her at the theater over a year later.

It’d been easy to forget the destruction she’d caused with Ethan when I’d been acting as her hero and helping her out of an uncomfortable situation. It’d been impossible to remember that she couldn’t be trusted when she’d been playing movie trivia with me and sharing my popcorn or she’d hugged me as if she hadn’t been hugged by anyone in her entire life.

But it all came back now. There was a reason my sister hated her. She made people think she was one thing when she was really another. She tricked you into liking her. She deceived you.

And it had been working on me. I’d started to like her, too. Except I wouldn’t fall victim like Bella had. No more being a fool. She was meant for the Arts and the Ethans of this world. Not me.

Chapter Ten



“Go, shawty,” I sang under my breath as I slid into my ride after work. “It’s your birthday. We gon’ party like it’s your birthday.”

Grinning, I started the engine and tugged at my tie. Once it was free of my neck, I slung it into the passenger seat and started to back from my parking spot, only for a text to come in.

Thinking it was a message from Bells, I pressed the brake, cranked up the radio, playing 50 Cent instead of singing to him, and I checked my phone.

EL: Happy birthday! I hope it’s a good one.

Birthday wishes from El. Sweet, but not exactly who I’d been hoping to hear from. I grinned, anyway.

PARKER: Thanks. I’ll give you all the glorious play-by-play details during our session tomorrow if you’d like, since you’re so suddenly interested in my sex life these days.

She sent me a middle-finger emoji, so I tossed back a laughing face. Tonight was going to be a good one; I could feel it thrumming through my bloodstream.

Since I’d been hoping the text had been from Bella so badly, I went ahead and rang her as I finally put my truck into reverse.

It took her a few more rings than usual to answer, but when she finally did, effervescence consumed me. There was just something about hearing her voice that got my juices flowing.

“I know what I want from you for my birthday,” I said, be-bopping around in my seat like I was dancing as I drove.

“Really?” She sounded amused. “What makes you think I was planning on getting you anything?”