“Hmm,” he murmured, sounding curious but didn’t ask. “Alright then. I’ll let you get back to your evasion. Good luck, kiddo.”

“You too, Dad,” I said, totally distracted. “Love you.”

He sounded amused as if he realized my mind was already far and away from discussing Mom’s birthday. “Love you, too.”

Once he hung up, I cursed and grabbed my hair.

I’d really wanted to see this movie too.

That was the problem with being a film buff. You had to see what you were craving to watch on release night; otherwise, it was pretty much worthless. I mean, what if you spotted a spoiler somewhere by accident, and it ruined everything?

Who could risk that?

But Bella was more important than a new release. Hands down. And I’d kind of accidentally, totally-not-on-purpose enjoyed watching that movie with Yellow last time. She seemed to get my cinema craze. Which was dangerous. The lady was an absolute no-go zone. So I just needed to nip this little fascination in the bud right now and stay as far away from her as possible.

Turning around, I retreated to my car and unlocked the door. But as I opened it, I glanced over and saw the billboard at the entrance of the parking lot, featuring the motion picture I wanted to see.


I slammed the door shut again, without getting in the car.

I mean, what was I doing? This was stupid. Missing out on something I loved just to avoid one person that I probably wouldn’t run into inside, anyway. That was lame.

Besides, seven other movies were playing in that building tonight. What were the chances she’d be watching the same exact one as me?

And even if she was, so what? It was a public place. We could watch the same movie in the same enormous room and not even acknowledge the other person. Hell, from where she sat, way up in the front, she probably wouldn’t even know I was there.

Fine. It was settled.

I was going in. I was a big boy. I could handle this.

She totally picked the same movie as me. After the last one, I guess I should’ve known better. We had similar tastes.

Great, I thought with all the joy and sarcasm of a man getting his favorite meal before he visited the electric chair.

I was doomed.

I huffed out a disgusted breath and adjusted myself to the layout of this new place. The aisles didn’t run up the center like my theater did but had two walkways that led up and down either side, which made me not exactly sure where my favorite seat would be. Except that really didn’t matter because—great big offended gasp—a ton of people had already converged around the entire section where I would sit. They obviously didn’t know that was where I was supposed to sit, probably because this was my first trip to this theater. But still…

Everyone should kn

ow. Gracen Lowe had his favorite seat, and thou shalt never take it.

This night just kept getting better and better, I swear.

Grinding my teeth, I glanced toward where Yellow was—alone—and I watched her a moment. No one else was sitting up there because I mean, why would they, but it made me kind of start to feel bad for her. The girl needed a movie-watching companion. Just like I did.

Fuck it. There was no crime in sitting by another person in a public theater. Clutching my drink, popcorn, and other assorted snacks, I moseyed her way.

I should face my fears, anyway. Just because I’d grown a little crush didn’t mean I was going to fall in love with her after watching a single—er, a second—movie with her. It was time to prove that fact true.

“So be honest,” I said as I plopped down beside her. “Have you ever even tried a seat that’s further back than this?”

Jumping hard at the question, she whirled and watched me with wide eyes as I made a production of settling in and placing my snacks where I wanted them.

“I mean, doesn’t it hurt your neck, having to constantly crane it around so you can see one side of the screen to the other?”

When I met her gaze, she merely blinked, glanced down at my snacks, then lifted her gaze again. “Where do you usually sit?” she finally asked.