As I just stood there, trying not to fall apart or let anyone know I was falling apart, I heard Mom saying, “That’s okay. We’ll just make a plate for her to send home with you guys.” Then she touched my arm.

I jumped and looked into eyes that were full of pity.

“Beau, why don’t you get everyone’s drinks?”

I nodded, only to realize everyone had already sat down, and they were probably wondering why I was still standing there, staring off into nothing.

Keeping busy, serving everyone, was a nice diversion, even though Lucy Olivia had to be a pain and smirk at me, saying she didn’t want any ice in her glass after I’d just filled it with the sweet tea she requested.

The meal seemed to take forever. I couldn’t stop looking at the empty plate across from me. And every time someone asked me a question, they had to repeat it again after finally getting my attention.

“You’re not eating much,” Mom leaned toward me to whisper.

I sent her a miserable glance and said, “I’m not hungry.” And I wasn’t. I couldn’t even eat one of Felicity’s brownies, and I usually snuck two or three more than my fair share of those.

When Mom said, “Let me whip up a plate for Bentley before you go,” when the Parkers were ready to leave again, I finally perked to life enough to say, “I’ll do it, Mom.”

She smiled at me and touched my face. “Thanks. You probably know what she likes more than I do, anyway.”

And I did. I knew all of Bentley’s likes and dislikes.

I arranged the dish, hoping to please her, then carefully covered it with tinfoil and delivered it to her mom, who was waiting by the door, slipping her purse over her shoulder while Fox headed outside and Knox hovered halfway in the exit.

“Here you go, Felicity.” I hurried the plate over for her to take.

“Thank you, dear.” But instead of taking the plate, she cupped my face gently in her hands and looked into my eyes, adding, “I’m sorry about tonight. But she’ll come around someday. Don’t lose hope.”

I nodded, even though I didn’t believe a word she said. I’d messed up one time too many. Bentley was never going to forgive me.

Chapter Four


“Brought you some leftovers,” Mom announced, bustling into my room and causing me to look up with interest.

“Really?” Sitting up, I stretched out my arms and hopped giddily on the mattress of my bed. “Thank God. I’m starving. What did Aspen cook tonight?”

“Your favorite. Mashed potatoes and meatloaf with a side of peas.”

“Wow.” I brought the plate to my lap and tore off the aluminum foil, only to blink in surprise. “It—it’s like she made this especially for me or something.” Even the proportions were amazingly astute of her. I had way more mashed potatoes and gravy than I would probably ever serve myself, and more than I’m sure Aspen or any mother would give me. But it was secretly how much I always wanted to take because nothing beat a heaping pile of mashed potatoes.

“Hmm,” Mom murmured knowingly as she watched my reaction. “Yes. It does seem exactly like that, doesn’t it?”

I glanced up, feeling a trickle of guilt nip at my conscience for skipping out on the meal with everyone else.

Mom lifted her brows and held out a fork. I meekly took it. Then, because I just couldn’t help myself and I was starving, I scooped up my first bite of mashed potatoes.

Waiting until I was in the middle of chewing and going in for a second round, Mom finally said, “Beau’s the one who prepared your plate for you.”

I coughed a little, choking mid-swallow, and had to pound on my chest, eyes watering, before I muttered, “Great. Thanks for warning me. He probably spit on it.”

Mom rolled her eyes. “You know he didn’t.”

I was tempted to set it aside and stop eating it completely, just to spite him, but then…

I was hungry, and he’d never know whether I really ate the food or not, so what was the point? And besides, Aspen was a really good cook. So I ate the second bite.

Mom sighed sadly and shook her head. “You broke that boy’s heart tonight, you know that?”