“Fox!” I gasped in shock as he dove in, kissing my throat and down to the cups of my bra. “What—?”

“You hate this shirt,” he said against the topmost swell of my left breast. “You complain about how uncomfortable it is every time you wear it.”

True. But— “It makes my boobs look good.” Which was exactly why I’d put it on after he agreed to come over this morning.

“Mmm.” He kissed them as he agreed with me. “Yes, it does. I’ll get you a new one.”

He was much kinder with the bra—probably aware that it was my favorite—and he pulled the straps off my shoulders before plucking a breast free and sucking the nipple into his mouth.

I sobbed and arched, gripping his shoulders as he feasted. And his hands just kept moving, stripping me naked as he peeled off my yoga pants and panties down my legs together, not even noticing—or probably caring—that I’d been wearing a matching underwear set for once, just to impress him.

Clueless male.

But then he pushed a finger inside me, stroking that perfect spot, and I decided I didn’t much care either.

Damn, he had some very talented digits, though.

I grappled for the elastic band on his gym shorts as he sucked and stroked, and I yanked them down with savage satisfaction before pushing on his chest hard enough to make him lose his balance and fall backward.

He clawed for air for a moment before landing with a bounce on the cushioned seat of my recliner. Then his gaze gleamed with satisfaction as he grinned up at me.

“Take your shirt off,” I commanded.

He fumbled in his rush to comply. When he was as naked as I was, I sank onto his lap and crawled on my knees to straddle his hips and position myself above him.

Setting his hands on my hips as if to help guide me, when actually he let me do all the work, Fox watched in amazement as I lowered myself onto his cock, taking all of him into me. Head falling back onto the backrest, he groaned and arched his hips up as his fingers tightened around my waist. “God.”

I paused once he was good and settled deep. Then, watching the tight strain on his jaw, I moved, pumping up and down.

He caught my eye and sent me a heartbreaking smile. “I missed you so damn much. Never again. Never.”

Kissing him, I promised with my lips and my body that I’d always be open and honest about where I was in our relationship. He kissed me back, pledging his love and devotion in the same way. Then he wrapped his arms around me and held on as we tipped over the side of oblivion together. I was still hugging his face into my breasts where he’d planted it when he muffled out a content sigh and grinned up at me.

“Damn, I think we might’ve made it all the way to forty-five seconds that time.”

I threw back my head and laughed. I really did love this man.

But when I looked back down at him, I could still see the bloodshot eyes even though he was still smiling at me. And the scruff on his jaw was woollier than he usually kept it. It’d been a rough week for him. Because of me.

And I still hadn’t done what I knew now that he needed me to.

Cupping his cheek in my hand, I murmured, “We didn’t resolve everything today, did we?”

“Of course not.” He turned his face in to kiss my palm. “We’ll always have problems. Like any normal couple. But we’ll deal with each one as it comes up, and then we’ll have awesome makeup sex before working on fixing the next issue that needs to be tackled.”

“Okay, then.” I nodded in reassurance. “I like that answer.”

“I figured you might.” Smoothing his hands up to sink his fingers into my hair, he cupped my face and said, “It’s going to be okay, Bells. We got this.”

For some reason, I absolutely one hundred percent believed him.

Chapter Seventeen



I was working diligently at my desk when Jada came blowing out of her office with her iPad in hand.