Initially, he flinched at the question. But when he glanced my way, he nodded as if to reassure me that she was fine. “Some days aren’t so good,” he admitted, keeping his voice low and watching the others as he turned his face my way to answer. “But she keeps getting better. She and Braiden went over to your parents’ tonight to start planning for the holidays or something with your mom. I think some mom-time will do her good.”

I nodded. “Yeah, you’re probably right.” Moms just had that soothing effect, I swear. Besides, keeping herself busy and distracted couldn’t hurt either.

Beau nodded with me. “Yeah,” he agreed, even though he had to glance down and pick at the label on his beer as he said it. “We’ll be okay.”

Before I could ask him anything else, Julian caught his attention from across the table and asked about his sister, since Lucy Olivia’s pregnancy seemed to be the hot topic in the group these days.

As he answered that question, I turned my attention to my other side, but Dominic had taken JB’s attention, and they were talking about pregnant wives.

Across from me, Trick was telling Gracen a story that was causing Gray to frown in baffled confusion, and further down the table, Luke was pointing between Cress and Maverick and ordering them to stop making out because—as he claimed—there was no tongue allowed at guys’ night. But he cut his lecture short when a cute waitress entered the room, toting a huge serving tray that carried our first round of meals. And by the way he looked at her, I had a feeling he’d be just fine with tongu

e at guys’ night if she offered hers up.

“Here, Becca. Let me help with that.” Also an employee at the club here—but currently on his night off—Luke rushed from his chair to assist and help her pass out plates.

Trick wasn’t far behind, appearing at her other side to assist as well. The two had her blushing and laughing as all three of them distributed the food together in no time.

Setting an elbow on the back of Beau’s chair, Julian leaned toward him as he motioned his finger at the departing girl. “Notice it was all the single guys in the group who just tripped over each other to help the pretty waitress.”

Beau snickered as he nodded in agreement. “Losers must think they stand a chance.”

Luke flipped him the bird as he reseated himself. “She’s a coworker, thank you very much,” he explained defensively as he grabbed a ketchup bottle and unscrewed it. “I was just being nice.”

“Me too,” Trick agreed, slipping back into his spot next to Gray and stealing a fry from his plate. “She’s my father’s employee.” Then he smirked and wiggled his brows Luke’s way. “And besides, I already hooked up with her last month.”

“What?!” Luke cried incredulously. “The hell if you did. I’ve been working on her for over a year, and she’s barely just now starting to warm up to me.”

Trick merely shrugged with a self-congratulating chuckle. “Hey, I can’t help it if the girl’s got good taste.”

“Motherfucker,” Luke hissed, still gaping in disbelief before demanding, “Did you really nail her?”

With a flinch, Trick shook his head. “Nail is such an ugly term.”

“You suck,” Luke howled. “I can’t believe I put that much effort into someone, only for you to come along and steal her right out from under me.”

“Dude, sorry.” Starting to look contrite, Trick shrugged. “But if you want her now, she and I are—”

“I don’t want your damn leftovers! Are you kidding me?”

Before they could argue longer, JB spoke up, motioning between me and Gray. “Why didn’t these two notice the waitress? They’re still single, aren’t they?”

“Hey, that’s right,” Beau said suddenly, turning to me with interest. “Is there something you need to share with the class, Fox?”


Well, shit. As every guy in the room turned his gaze on me, I gulped uneasily. I couldn’t lie to them, but I couldn’t break Bella’s confidence either. Especially if I wasn’t sure if we were even a non-thing anymore.

So I shrank back, eyeing each man who was suddenly watching me before mumbling, “No.”

So they turned to Gray, who finally seemed to realize he was the sole focus of the room. Glancing up from the phone screen he was scowling at intently, he blinked at us and said, “Huh?”

“What’s up with you tonight, Lowe?” Julian asked him pointedly.

“I, uh...” He cringed and glanced down at his phone again as if unsure if he should say anything. Then he blurted, “I think Bella might be seeing her ex again.”

“What?” some of the others cried in outrage, while I nearly choked on the drink I was taking.

As I coughed and sputtered, Julian asked, “You mean the asshole who cheated on her?”