With a sigh, he handed it over. “Don’t be too mean. She’s hurting.”

“Oh, I’m not talking to her,” I reassured him. I’d never been able to stand Angie, and hearing that she was still messing with his head made me even less of a fan. There was no way I would be able to say anything productive to her right now.

So I turned the phone off completely. There. Now, neither of us had to listen to the ringing.

His shoulders immediately deflated in relief. That made me feel marginally better. I’d helped him. Which filled me with the urge to help him even more.

Setting the phone on the table, I watched him with pity. “You really must’ve been desperate if I was the lesser of two evils.”

“Hey, don’t say that,” he rumbled, picking at a knot of wood on the back of the chair he sat on. “You’re not so bad. I’d partner with you over Gracen at beer pong any day of the week. And trust me, that’s a big deal. I take my beer pong seriously.”

Except there was no drunken game to play tonight, so I shrugged. “I guess.” Then I sent him a forced smile. “At least I can keep you from going to your ex’s and doing something you’ll regret.”

He made a face. “I wasn’t going to go.”

“Mm-hmm.” I lifted my eyebrows. “That why you look so tempted?”

He shot me an indignant frown. “I wasn’t.”

I lifted my hands. “Okay, fine.” Blowing out a breath, I glanced around the kitchen and plopped my palms onto the table as I turned back to my reluctant guest. “What a pair we make, huh?”

He shrugged morosely and picked at the knot with more intensity, as if he were really trying to pry a shard of wood free.

Suddenly deciding he could stay, I said, “Gracen would’ve made me popcorn and hot chocolate.”

“Really?” Immediately popping to his feet, he announced, “I can do that.”

“And then he would’ve cuddled on the couch with me so we could watch Gilmore Girls together for the rest of the night.”

That caused him to pause. “Gilmore Girls?” he asked slowly. When I nodded, he groaned. “You gotta be kidding me. No. There’s no way. I refuse.”

I batted my lashes. “Gracen wouldn’t have refused.”

He snorted. “Gray can’t possibly like Gilmore Girls. All they do is talk. Constantly. Blah, blah, blah, the who

le time. It’s enough to give me a headache.”

“He crushes on Rory,” I argued. “Big-time.”

“Damn. I should’ve known. Your brother’s always been a sucker for the pretty, innocent faces.” Another groan later, he rolled his head on his shoulders as if trying to force himself into Gilmore Girl mode. But it must not have taken because he suddenly asked, “What about Supernatural reruns? Or, hey, I know you like Stranger Things. Huh?” He lifted his eyebrows suggestively to make the alternatives sound more appealing than Gilmore Girls.

Except I was in a solid GG mood.

“Never mind,” I muttered, tossing down my orange and jerking to my feet. “You don’t get it, so I’ll just take care of myself. You probably suck at cuddling, anyway.”

And I left the kitchen.

“Hey now.” Darting after me, he tripped his way into the hall to catch up. Then he nearly tackled me in his haste to grasp my elbow, jerk me around, and heave me into his arms. “I’ve been told I have superb cuddling skills. See.”

“By who?” I asked, my voice muffled against his rock-hard chest as he attempted to suffocate me with the force of his arm muscles alone. “Your crazy, psycho ex? Cut it out.” I shoved at his elbow. “I can’t breathe. This is the worst hug ever.”

The turd didn’t let me go, though. He merely repositioned us until I could turn my face enough to the side to suck in huge gulps of air.

“Just relax, will you? You’re like hugging a cactus.”

I poked him in the ribs with my finger. “Not helping.”

He chuckled, and the sound reverberated through me, causing things to shudder and stir to life inside me. I went completely still, wondering why I kept having this intense reaction.