I blinked at her as she ranted on, and I knew whatever she was saying had nothing to do with me and Lucy Olivia. She only went off like that when something was personally bothering her in her own life.

I didn’t know what her personal problem was, though. And it was beginning to concern me.

I was still worrying about my sister’s strangeness a week later at work. I’d just texted her, asking if she wanted to hang out that night. But she had turned me down.

Without telling me why.


was like she already had plans, which meant she was definitely hiding something, and I was almost positive it was a new man in her life. Except why the hell would she hide a relationship from me?

I didn’t have some big nemesis like she did. I honestly didn’t care who she dated as long as the guy treated her right.

Unless, the asshole wasn’t treating her right, and that really made me wonder who the hell this warthog person was.

Shit, Bella, I wanted to demand. What have you gotten yourself into?

Chewing on the end of a pen, I squinted at the numbers running across the screen of my computer as my personal assistant exploded through the open doorway of my office.

“Draper’s hiring a new girl,” he announced in a rush.

I looked up from my computer screen to find Price clapping his hands silently together and then keeping them close to his chest as he hopped up and down.

Motioning a thumb over his shoulder in the direction of my associate Art Draper’s office on the other side of the building, he added, “She’s in there interviewing right now.”

“Oh yeah?” Rolling my eyes, I went back to work. It wasn’t exactly news that Art was seeking a new assistant. After his wife had caught his last aide going down on him under his desk three weeks before, he’d been on the lookout for new help.

“Let me guess.” I entered the last bit of data to my spreadsheet and clicked on the save button before returning my attention to my own aide. “She’s blond, in her early to mid-twenties, with big boobs, a small waist, and legs that won’t stop?”

Price rolled his eyes. “Of course. Well, the boobs don’t look all that enhanced, but damn, her ass is fine. Even I looked twice. You could bounce a quarter off that kabooty. That girl does some serious yoga, let me tell you.”

Finally impressed because Price wasn’t interested in women in the least, I sat back in my chair, gripped the armrests, and whistled as I began to rock. “That is new. He’s usually more into bra sizes than backsides.”

Price shot me a glance as if to say, exactly. “Which tells you just how pretty the rest of her is, right? So there are already two pots going around: one over how long she’ll last and the other over how soon she’ll start getting busy with Draper. You want in?”

I furrowed my brow. “Has she even been hired yet?”

“Oh, honey.” Price shook his head sadly and made a disappointed tsking sound with his tongue as he waved a dismissing hand at me. “There’s no doubt he’ll hire her. Ooh! Here we go. Game time.” After glancing over his shoulder, he rushed back to the doorway and peeked out into the main workroom. “They’re coming out,” he whispered loudly.

I rolled my eyes and sat forward in my chair again so I could get back to work. Price got a little too invested in office drama sometimes.

“Hmm. You know, maybe he didn’t hire her. She doesn’t look all that happy.”

“She doesn’t?” I murmured distractedly as I listened with only half an ear and opened a new account on my screen. “Hey, did you set up a meeting for me with the Winstons?”

“What? The Winstons? Yeah, I think so. I put the time in your calendar if I did.”

“You think so?” Frowning, I clicked into my calendar and scanned the page until I finally spotted the appointment I was seeking for nearly three weeks out. Huh. I wondered why they wanted it so far in the future? Oh well, at least they were still interested in meeting.

“He totally hired her,” Price whispered conspiratorially from his spying spot at the opening of my office. “He looks way too smug and happy, and—ope—he just set his hand on her back. Her lower back. He did notice her ass. That man’s going to be working his way into her panties faster than a squirrel breaking into a can of peanuts.”

Poor Melissa, I silently commiserated, except I was slowly starting to grow less and less sympathetic for Art’s wife with every new woman she caught him with.

I sighed and sent my assistant an annoyed glance. “Do you think you could find something better to do than eavesdrop on Art and his—”

“Shh!” Price waved an insistent hand, shushing me. “He’s going to make an announcement.”

Oh Lord. I rolled my eyes toward the ceiling just as Art’s muffled voice filtered into my office. “Everyone,” he called. “I just wanted to introduce you to a new face you’ll be seeing around the office. I just hired El Nicksen here, and she’s going to be my—”