“Well, he’s her husband, and she chose him as her partner in life, so he’s who she gets. I’m serious, if you call right now, she’s going to know you know something. You suck at fishing, Bells. You’re way too direct and obvious. And she’s going to figure out you got your information from me. Then she’s going to put two and two together that you’ve been sleeping with her little brother behind her back for over half a year, which…” I added forcefully because I just knew she’d have something to say to that.

“I’m perfectly fine with you making public, if that’s your wish. But Bentley’s still going to see it as a deceit on both our parts, so maybe making the big reveal while she’s having a miscarriage probably isn’t such a good idea, if indeed a miscarriage is what she’s actually having. Because I could be totally wrong about all this.”

Bella huffed out a breath. But she didn’t say anything for a good minute, which told me I’d made an excellent point she couldn’t refute.

When she mumbled, “Fine,” I let my head fall back until I was facing the ceiling and mouthing the words thank you.

“I won’t call her tonight,” Bella added. “But mark my words, I will find out what’s going on, and I won’t be obvious about it. Call me if you learn anything new, okay?”

“Of course,” I allowed.

“Good. Take care of Braiden, too.”

“I will.”

She hung up on me, and I released a breath, already sure I’d made a mistake in telling her anything.

Damn it. I sank onto Beau and Bentley’s couch to close my eyes and bury my face in my hands. This was one reason I didn’t like keeping my affair with Bella a secret. Everyone we knew and loved most was connected to each other; they were going to think we’d been lying to them if we didn’t tell them what was up. Plus, I didn’t like hiding the fact that I was totally falling for one of my best friends on earth.

For Bella, I’d wait. But for some reason, I had a bad feeling this might not end the way I hoped it would.

Chapter Seven



I didn’t even call Bella and beg her to tag along this time because I knew she was having a girls’ night. I just drove to a different theater across town and got myself a ticket when a new movie came out that I wanted to see.

And, yes okay, I went to a new place specifically to avoid crossing paths with her—not Bella her, the other her. The Yellow her. Even though the chances that I’d get struck by lightning were probably greater than running into Yellow again at the old place, the odds seemed too close for my comfort.

I’d been thinking of her—again, not the Bella her—way too much lately, and that already made me feel like the worst brother ever. So when I went to go see a new movie and a small, hopeful part of me wondered, Do you think I’ll get to see her again? I squashed that stupid part of me flat by heading to a new theater altogether.

It took me about an hour longer to get there than the other place, but to remain a loyal, faithful, good twin sibling, it was worth it.

About the time I pulled into the parking lot, my cell phone rang. But seeing the word Dad flash across the screen had me grinning affectionately.

“Hey, old man,” I answered. “Figure out what to get Mom for her birthday yet?”

Dad’s familiar laugh filled my ear. I killed the engine and remained seated to talk to him just as he said, “I knew you were my favorite.”

“Whoa.” I immediately held up a hand, though those words were always nice to hear. “Whoa, whoa, whoa right there.” Realizing his ploy, I shook my head. “If you’re going to try to sucker me into telling you what to get her, that’s going to be a hard no.”

“Oh, come on, kid,” he whined. “I’ve been married to this woman for almost thirty years.”

“Then you should be able to figure this shit out for yours


“Jesus, you sound like your sister.”

I paused, instantly suspicious. Then I gasped. “You called Bella first, didn’t you?”

When I heard him mumble damn under his breath—because he was caught—I accused, “You did!” Self-righteous indignation immediately set in. “But I’m older!”

By rights, he should always call me before Bella when he was going to cover the same topic with each of us. It was only fair. I hadn’t breathed in this world eleven minutes longer than her for nothing. I should receive some perks from it.

“Well, she’s female,” Dad started logically. “I thought she might have some insight that you—”