I exited from my research and called her.

“Shoe phone?” I asked, squinting in confusion as soon as she picked up.

“It’s a boot!” she corrected. “And the phone is supposed to be for call, not phone.”

“Uh…” I frowned, still confused.

“Booty call,” she growled. “I was sending you a booty call, okay? Geez. Excuse me for trying to be sexy and playful with fun emojis.”

With a sudden laugh, I shook my head. “You wanted to be sexy and playful, so you sent me a shoe and a phone? Ooh, baby, that’s so hot.” I hooted even louder. “You sure know how to turn a guy on.”

“Ass,” she mumbled. “I thought it was cute.”

“A heart and a smiley face would be cute,” I countered. “Or a kiss and a thumbs-up. An eggplant and raindrops would totally get the point across. But a shoe?”

I chuckled some more.

You had to love Bella’s awful sense of seduction, though. It was just so her.

“I still don’t get the eggplant-penis comparison,” she reported without humor. “Beyond both of them being phallic-shaped, I’m just telling you right now that if your dick turns purple and starts sprouting green shit from the end, I’m never going near it again.”

Throwing back my head, I howled even harder. “Oh God, that’s hilarious,” I reported. “But good news: my dick has not sprouted any green shit today.”

“Thank goodness,” she mumbled, before demanding, “So then why isn’t it here, servicing me already?”

Damn, I loved it when she talked like that. Direct Bella was the most seductive of all. And since my cock enjoyed servicing her to no end, I let out a depressed sigh because it wasn’t going to get near her anytime soon, the poor guy.

“Sorry, baby doll,” I lamented. “I can’t come over and play tonight.”

“What?” She sounded incredulously disappointed. “But I thought—”

“I know. I was literally on my way to your house when Beau called, needing a sitter. So I’m over here, just chilling, while the kid’s sound asleep in his room.”

“A sitter?” She sounded confused when she said, “Why would they need a last-minute sitter so late on a Thursday night?”

“I, uh…” I scratched the back of my neck and winced. Beau had said not to tell anyone, but this was Bella. She would refuse me all forms of bedtime fun—and my dick probably would turn purple from neglect—if they finally told everyone what was going on and Bella realized I’d already had some inkling and hadn’t shared anything with her. So I released a groan before reluctantly admitting, “I think Bentley might be having a miscarriage.”

“She’s what?” Bella screamed.

I winced and pulled the phone a few inches from my ear before immediately including, “But you absolutely cannot tell anyone. Got it?”

“Why didn’t you lead with this?” she countered. “What’s going on? Did you even know she was pregnant? Oh my God. I’m calling her.”

“No! Bells, shit. Stop.” I clutched the bill of my hat and cringed. “I don’t even know if I’m right. This is all just speculation on my part. Beau was on the phone when I showed up, and he said the words ectopic and pregnancy, and I’m pretty sure I wasn’t supposed to hear any of that.”

Bella hissed out a pained breath. “A tubal pregnancy? Oh my God, no! Poor Bentley. I have to call her.”

“No,” I instructed sternly. “They told me not to tell anyone, and they didn’t even really tell me what was going on. Beau just said to keep this whole evening quiet, as in the fact that I watched Braiden at all while they went off somewhere to get my crying sister checked out while she was hunched over, holding her stomach.”

“She was crying?” Bella sounded devastated. “That’s it. I’m going to call. Just to fish around and see if she’ll tell me anything.”

“Bella.” I groaned impatiently. “Don’t bother her right now. Okay. Please. If something’s really wrong, she won’t be able to answer, anyway.”

“If something’s really wrong, then I should be there. Don’t ask me to do nothing. Damn you, Fox. Bentley is one of my best friends on earth. If she’s going through bad shit, I have to be with her.”

“No, you don’t. Beau’s with her.”

“Beau?” She sputtered his name as if that meant nothing. “Beau is not an ideal candidate for compassion.”