“Babe,” he called. “Fox is here.” Then he finally turned back to address me. “It should be smooth sailing for you, man. Braiden’s already asleep, and we hope to be back before he wakes in the morning, so you shouldn’t actually have to do anything.”

They hoped to be back by morning?

Goddamn, what the hell was going on?

Bentley came limping into the living room then, her purse slung over her shoulder. Face drained white with pain, eyes ringed red with tears, and a hand plastered to her stomach, she looked like death.

“Bent?” I stepped toward her, but Beau rushed past me to reach her first, taking her arm so she could lean heavily on him as she walked.

Questions rose on my tongue, but Beau had warned me not to ask, plus Bentley was still kind of crying, and I’m pretty sure I’d already overheard enough through the door from Beau’s telephone conversation to understand the situation, so I swallowed whatever I was going to say and simply opened the door for them.

“Thank you, bubba,” Bentley managed to rasp. She paused when the two of them reached me as if she wanted to say more.

I pulled her close and gave her a gentle hug so she wouldn’t have to talk. “Go get better,” I urged softly.

She choked out a sob and squeezed me harder. “Okay. I love you.”

“Love you, too,” I murmured, pulling away.

When I met Beau’s gaze, he looked like he was going to start bawling. Fisting a hand, he nudged my shoulder and nodded his respect. “Thanks again.”

After they were gone, I closed the door behind them, and stood there a moment, trying to control my concern. Then, I went and checked on the little man.

My six-year-old nephew was passed out on his bed, safe and sound, sleeping on his stomach with one leg hanging out of his covers.

I smiled softly and backed out of the doorway, where I retreated to the living room, pulled up my phone, and immed

iately googled as many details as I could find about ectopic pregnancies.

So apparently, a fertilized egg hadn’t made it all the way into the uterus like it was supposed to.

Stubborn kid already sounded like its dad.

But what was this?

“Oh motherfucker,” I whispered, my skin growing cold.

Life-threatening bleeding may occur to the mother.

Miscarriage was extremely common.

“No…” I murmured, remembering Beau saying I think it’s too late.

No wonder why they’d wanted to keep this quiet and hadn’t even told the family she was pregnant. There hadn’t been any babies born in our group after Braiden until recently. Then Teagan and JB had Harper a few months back, and after that, it was like a seal had been broken. Our group turned into baby-making central.

Julian and Nia were expecting their first, as were Skylar and Dominic. Then Rory and Tucker were about to enter their third trimester, while Beau’s sister, Lucy Olivia, had shocked everyone last week when she announced she was knocked up too. No one had a clue who the father of that baby was, and she hadn’t dated anyone in forever, so honestly, it was anyone’s guess.

With four kids on the way in our big conglomerate of loved ones, I could maybe understand why Beau and Bentley hadn’t wanted to freak any of the others out with their tale of woe. Besides, it’d probably be hard to talk about if they were already pretty sure the baby wasn’t going to make it.


If my sister’s life was in danger, I’d like to freaking know.

Before I could click out of the disturbing things I was reading, a notification of an incoming text dropped down from the top of my screen.

BELLA: where R u?

She followed the question with a picture of a shoe next to a phone.