“Because you’re flustered. And men are the only thing that fluster you. But this is different than your usual…” He paused a moment before gasping, “Holy shit. You liked him.”
Seriously, Lord, why hadn’t you put me out of my misery yet?
“Please, stop,” I begged.
“Why?” he pressed, grinning like crazy when I lowered my hands enough to scowl at him. “This is good. This is what we’re working toward, isn’t it? Combatting your fear of men? Well, if you like one, then you probably weren’t scared of him. Right? Wait, you weren’t scared of him, were you?”
I blew out a breath and admitted, “No, I wasn’t scared of him. But…” I winced. “It was all wrong. I only felt safe with him because he started the evening by saving me from some creep, and then—then he said some truly, awful, unforgivable things. But that was only because we’re—”
“Wait, wait.” Parker interrupted. “You’re going to have to back up there and explain a couple of things first. What the fuck did he say to you? And what’s this about a creep?”
Realizing I needed to explain more than I wanted to, I groaned, wondering if I could somehow wiggle my way out of having this entire conversation. I suddenly didn’t want to reveal anything else. Parker was going to realize how much I hadn’t progressed after all.
“El,” he pressed. “I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what happened.”
I rolled my eyes. “Oh, whatever,” I mumbled, evading the subject entirely by adding, “you just want all the juicy details.”
“Hell yes, I want the juicy details,” he cried and snapped his fingers. “Now spill, woman. What happened? Who is this guy? And how did he make you so blushy and active this morning? Jesus, no wonder why you were full of energy. Whoa. Did you get laid last night?”
“Okay, stop right there.?
? I held up a hand. “Because no, I did not get laid. Nothing happened between us. And I’m never even going to see him again. The man is completely forbidden territory.”
“Forbidden?” Parker’s brow furrowed. “Now I’m even more intrigued. How’s he forbidden?”
I watched him for a moment. Then I heaved out a breath. “Let me start from the beginning.”
Rolling his eyes as he began his warm-down exercises, stretching his legs out in front of him and touching his toes, he answered, “Brilliant idea.”
I sighed over his sarcasm, even as I started, “So I arrived at the theater, nervous as hell, right? I’d never gone by myself before.”
“Okay, I’m following.” Parker circled the air with his finger. “Keep talking.”
I nodded. “I wanted to stop by the concession stand because nothing beats movie popcorn, but I don’t know.” I shook my hands and tried to control the suddenly advanced beating of my heart. Just thinking about my anxiety made my breathing go wonky. “I kept thinking, what if I needed to run or fight—well, I’d need my hands to be free. I couldn’t carry a drink or popcorn around everywhere and keep my hands free. So I bypassed the concession stand.”
“Damn, El,” Parker breathed out, casting me a sympathetic wince. “I hate that your brain automatically thinks that way.”
“Please stop looking at me like that,” I begged pathetically.
Since he’d agreed never to give me pity, he lifted his hands. “Right. Sorry. Continue.”
“Right,” I whispered, my voice shaking. “But it was a good thing I did have my hands free because I didn’t even get seated in my chair before this guy…” Just thinking about him made me queasy. I shook my head and blew out a breath. “This guy started hitting on me, and he knew I was alone, so he crossed the aisle to my seat and he—he…”
“El.” Parker reached for me, looking concerned. But I pulled away before he could touch me, and I bent both knees toward my chest so I could hug them.
“No, I’m okay,” I assured him. “I’m fine.”
But I wasn’t really. And we both knew it.
“What did he do?” Parker prodded, his voice low and tense.
“He just scared me,” I admitted as my eyes began to water. “He was bold and persistent, and when I tried to stand up and get away from him, he managed to back me into a wall so I couldn’t escape.”
“He did what?” my life coach exploded, appearing ready to commit bodily harm.
I nodded. “I’m not going to lie. It freaked me out. My mind just went blank, and I forgot everything we had practiced and trained for. And I mean everything. I just—I completely bombed it.”
“Fuck, El,” he whispered. “I’m sorry. Are you okay? Why didn’t you call—”