BELLA: Hey, Fox. Gracen just found your hat at my place. Make sure he doesn’t forget it tonight when he says he’s meeting y’all for drinks, okay?

I sent her a confounded look. “Um. What?”

She rolled out a hand. “I have officially told you that my brother should be returning your hat to you tonight, so now you can pester him about—”

“Holy hell! You’re right.” A broad grin spread across my face as I leaned in to smack a loud, grateful kiss to her cheek. “You’re a genius, baby doll. Thank you.”

Then I immediately responded to the message.

FOX: You better not forget my fucking hat tonight, ass munch. I’ve been looking everywhere for that thing. And don’t FOLD her like I know you do. She’s old and fragile. She needs special care.

“Oh my God,” Bella mumbled, rolling her eyes as she read the message. “Your hat is a she?”

“Hell, yes, she’s a she. I’d never get that intimate and permanent with another dude.”

She chuckled as her brother responded with something. But neither of us paid attention to what he had to say.

“You’re so stinking cute sometimes,” Bella was too busy telling me as she wound her arms around my neck and grinned into my eyes.

“Oh yeah?” I asked, bumping my nose into hers as I sent her a heated look. “How cute?”

“Cute enough to take right here on the couch,” she hummed as she slid her cheek along mine in order to nip at my ear with her teeth.

I groaned. My body stirred, totally on board with that thinking. But—

“Damn it. I got a client waiting. I shouldn’t be late.”

“Shouldn’t?” she asked, winding her fingers through my hair as she ran her nose up the side of my neck. “Or can’t?”

“Ah, hell,” I groaned. “Shouldn’t. It’s definitely shouldn’t.”

“I hate how you have to work every Saturday morning,” she complained as her fingers worked down over my shoulders and along my sides, headed toward the front zipper of my jeans. “It feels like I never get enough of you.”

I agreed completely. “You have me now, though,” I promised. “So take as much as you want.”

“Oh, I will,” she promised. “I will.”

As the zipper came down, I was a goner.

Chapter Five



I glanced at the time on my wrist as I used my other hand to pull my foot up and back behind me until I was pressing the heel of my shoe against my butt and giving my quads a deep stretch.

I wasn’t sure how long I was supposed to stick around before I could call Parker a lost cause, but I was beginning to feel like a fool for the amount of time I’d been dawdling through my warm-up, waiting for him.

I was about to take off down the trail by myself when I glanced up and finally spotted his familiar figure jogging my way.

He waved and sent me a rueful grin. “Hey. Sorry I’m late. But thanks for waiting.”

I dropped my foot and shrugged as if it were no big deal. “It’s fine. As long as she was worth it.”

He paused to send me a surprised blink.

I froze too, not sure why I’d just said that. Seriously, I never teased him. Not about sexy, flirty things, anyway.