“Not yet,” I finished for her and nodded. “Okay. It’s fine.”

I tried to look away, pretending to look for my clothes, but she knew me too well. She gently caught my face. “Baby,” she whispered, pressing her forehead to mine. “Please don’t be mad.”

“I’m not,” I assured her, stroking her hip. I got to sleep with this incredible woman whenever we worked out the chance to see each other. There was no way that angered me.

“I just like keeping you as my special secret,” she admitted, petting my hair. “Don’t you like this? It’s stress-free and drama-free and it’s just—it’s nice.” Worry and uncertainty entered her expression. “Don’t you think?”

“Yeah,” I agreed, kissing the side of her throat. “It’s the best.” Which was probably why I wanted to make it so binding and permanent and public.

I wanted it labeled and packaged as mine.

As ours.

“Good.” As if she thought we were on the same page, she pulled away, grinning madly. “I better get out there before he tries to come back and check on me.”

As she rushed to dress, I was slower to find my clothes and drag them on.

“I’ll wait here until he’s gone,” I finally decided.

She paused after tugging on a shirt. “You sure? I thought you had to meet with a client this morning.”

“I do.” I checked my phone. “But I’ve still got some time.” I couldn’t leave just yet. The world felt wrong whenever I had to leave her.

I could linger a few minutes longer.

Flashing me a smile, she cupped my face in her hands and hummed her happiness. “Good.” She kissed me lightly on the mouth. “I’ll be able to give you a proper farewell, then.”

Pulling away, she opened the door, which let the aroma of cooking bacon into the room.

Oh, damn. My mouth immediately watered. “Hey.” I caught her wrist before she could leave. “Save me some bacon,” I said with a wink.

She rolled her eyes, then grinned and blew me a kiss over her shoulder as she mouthed, “You got it,” and shut the door.

I sighed and sat back on the bed. Then I shook my head and finished dressing.

Not sure what to do next, I paced the confines of her room for a minute, then made her bed for her. Once that was done, I paced some more and checked the time.

Gracen had probably made some eggs with the bacon too. Hopefully, Bella saved some of those for me, as well.

My stomach growled.

I paced some more.

Gray wasn’t leaving anytime soon, I realized. Damn close twins. Those two could talk for hours.

Why had I said I’d wait? I checked my watch and gnashed my teeth. I still had to go home and shower and change. If I left now, I could still make it on time. But then I wouldn’t get my full goodbye from Bella.

Fuck it, I couldn’t stay. I’d just pick up some breakfast on the way to work. Creeping open the door to Bella’s room, I strained to hear where the twins were in the house.

Thankfully, they had moved from the kitchen and were already back in the living room. Gracen must be preparing to leave. Yes! I was going to get my special Bella farewell, after all.

Darting into the hall, I stole into the kitchen and—even better—there were still two strips of bacon left on what I assumed was Bella’s plate, plus enough eggs to satisfy me. I sat at the table and inhaled the food in about thirty seconds flat, then I poked my head back into the hallway.

“Well, I’ll call,” Bella was saying, obviously trying to shoo her brother along.

“Yeah,” he started. Only to pause. “Hey.” A second later, he added, “Isn’t that Fox’s hat?”

I frowned and patted my bare head.