After a little bounce, she landed on her back and laughed triumphantly. “Admit it,” she charged as I stripped her panties back down her legs. “You can’t handle the provocation either. Can you? You gotta meet any challenge just as much as I do.”

“Spread your knees wider, baby doll,” I instructed. “Give me some room to work here.”

Lifting one eyebrow, she clamped her legs together tighter. “Admit it first,” she taunted.

I looked into her eyes. “Hell, yes, I admit it. We’re two of a kind. That’s why together, we’re so goddamn explosive.” Placing my palms on her knees, I gently nudged her open, and she finally let me. “Now hold on to something. This might get intense.”

Her chest heaved. “I love it when you say that.”

Heeding my warning, she reached up above her head and grabbed on to the metal rails of the headboard. I grinned, my chest swelling with pride. That headboard was barely two months old and something she’d gotten within a week of me confessing to her that I’d always had a fantasy that involved metal rails in the bedroom.

Leaning down, I blew on her lightly, making her thighs tremble. Then I feasted, tongue stroking with long, slow licks to begin things.

Her taste filled my mouth, and I drew in a deep breath before moaning my appreciation. There was just something so satisfying about going down on her. It was like her most vulnerable and yet her most powerful moment all in one where she was open and completely trusting but also held all the cards. To me, it felt like the greatest honor to be allowed here in this hallowed space, bowing before her and servicing her. Every needy, breathless sound she made was a victory because they all belonged to me.

Around my face, the muscles in her legs strained. Her pleasure mounted. I circled her entrance with a single finger as my mouth latched more insistently around her clitoris.

Just as I pushed the first digit in, a voice called from the front of the house.

“Hey, Bella! You awake yet?”

“Oh, shit,” she hissed, trying to sit up as she pushed at my head. “It’s Gracen.”

I lifted my mouth even as I thrust a second finger inside her. “But I haven’t given you the second orgasm yet.”

“Fox!” she whisper-yelled, her eyes wide and desperate, full of fear as footsteps started in the hall. “He’s going to blow through that doorway in about two-point-five seconds.”

“Then you better stop him,” I warned. “Because I’m finishing what I started.”

And I put my mouth back on her, licking her pussy and pumping my fingers into her without mercy.

Her body bowed up under me, even as she slugged me in the shoulder and muttered, “Damn you.” Then her voice lifted, high and desperate, “Don’t come back here! I, uh—I’m not dressed.”

The footsteps immediately halted, followed by her twin calling through the closed door. “I’ll start some breakfast, then. Meet you in the kitchen.”

“S-sounds good.” Sweat trailed down her face as she bit down on her own knuckle when I looked up at her.

I gave her a thumbs-up with my free hand and squeezed one more finger inside her with the other.

“Christ,” I heard her muffled moan. And then she was coming in great heaving waves, her legs stiffening and body straining as she fought to contain the noises she wanted to make.

Once she finished, she sank back into the mattress and gaped up at the ceiling.

“I cannot believe we just did that. My brother is in the freaking house.”

“Crazy awesome, wasn’t it?” I agreed, plopping down beside her and unable to stop grinning.

She sent me a dark glance, only to soften as soon as she met my gaze. Then her lips quirked into a reluctant grin before she rolled toward me to kiss me on the mouth.

“You’re crazy,” she countered. We spent another couple of seconds with our tongues dueling until she broke free to ask, “So, question. Do you want to hide back here in my room until he’s gone, or should I keep him occupied in the kitchen while you sneak down the hall, past the kitchen, and out the front?”

I smoothed out a crazy piece of her hair. “Or…” I drew out a third option as I met her eyes. “We could just walk into the kitchen together. I’m okay with Gray knowing.”

She winced, and I already knew that idea was going to be shot down. Implicitly.

The problem was, I wasn’t able to fully hide the disappointment from my eyes, and she saw it.

She bit her lip. “Not yet,” she answered, only to apologetically stroke my cheek and send me a cringe as she added, “Fox. I just—if Gracen knew, then everyone would, and I’m not ready for that yet. Just…”