Keeping my eyes closed, I found the hip connected to that ass and ran my fingers over soft curves before dipping toward her waist. With firm breasts as my target, I slipped my palm up the side of her rib cage, moving slowly as not to miss an inch of all the loveliness in between.

Just before I got myself a handful of luscious lumps, however, a moan reverberated through her, and not one of those yes-give-it-to-me moans, either. No, this was clearly an ugh-he-wants-sex-again whimpers. She even wiggled a centimeter away.

Damn it. It appeared as if I was going to have to work for my breakfast today.

Changing tracks because I knew this woman like I knew the back of my hand, I aborted my mission and avoided her breasts altogether, along with anything that might seem in any way sexual. Sexy touches would only turn her even more off right now. So I slid my hand up her arm, very affecti

onate-like. Platonic. Hey, buddy, my friend. I wasn’t being seductive here, not in the least. Just want to cuddle.

Now she’d think I didn’t have anything else on the brain but snuggling. Which was an utter lie.

When I reached the side of her throat, I gently tucked her hair back out of the way and gave her a chaste kiss just under her ear, where she enjoyed it most.

“Morning, sunshine,” I murmured. Very friendly-like.

She grunted out a sniff that told me she wasn’t fooled at all by my ruse—probably because she knew me just as well as I knew her—and she still wasn’t willing to give me sex anytime soon.

I couldn’t blame her, I guess; I’d kept her up late last night. She was probably beyond exhausted and sore this morning. Just wanted to sleep in.

I hadn’t been able to help myself, though. It’d been two weeks since I’d last seen her. I’d been ravenous to make up for all that lost time. I’d needed everything about her. Hell, I still wanted to get in as much of her as I could this morning before I had to head off to work again.

This sneaking-around and keeping-our-relationship-under-wraps bullshit was beginning to wear on me, though. I didn’t like waiting until no one suspected we’d be together before we could hook up. I was becoming addicted. I didn’t want to hide anymore.

It’d never been my idea to hide what we did in the first place. But I knew she was gun-shy about the idea of dating after what the last douche she’d been with had put her through. I’d tried to be understanding and patient. Whatever she was willing to give me was better than nothing at all.

Except, eight months later, my patience was running thin. I wanted more. I’d never wanted a woman like I wanted this one. It was making me anxious and antsy, wondering if she was ever going to warm up to the idea of an us.

But I wasn’t going to think about that right now. Right now, the main objective was getting her to change her mind about sex before we had to part ways in less than an hour because who knew when I’d be allowed to see her again after that.

Knowing she could never resist reacting to a shot at her pride, I kneaded her shoulder gently and propped myself up on one elbow so I could catch her reaction when I asked, “What’s wrong, baby doll? Did I work you over too hard last night? Too tired to perform this morning?”

And right on cue, she twisted her neck around to pierce me with a harsh glare.

“Too tired?” she hissed. No one dared to call her too anything that had a negative connotation behind it. Not if they wanted to feel her wrath, anyway.

I smiled innocently, glad I had her attention now, and I stroked my way down the back of her arm with the lightest of touches. “It’s okay; you’re too tired,” I added softly, making sure to repeat the dreaded too phrase one more time. “And you just had a long, stressful week at work. I shouldn’t have worn you out the way I did.”

“Whatever,” she said, her eyes narrowing. “You did not wear me out.”

“No, really, babe,” I said, starting to roll away. “I understand. You just need a little recoup—”

She caught my arm and tugged me back to her. “You don’t understand shit. I’m not too tired.”

I lifted my eyebrows and grinned into her scowling blue-gray eyes. “Oh, really? You’re not tired at all, huh? Just full of energy and raring to go, are you?”

“Yeah,” she smarted back. “I am.”

I merely lifted my eyebrows, daring her to prove me wrong. Then, I leaned in close and whispered, “Bullshit.”

Her lips parted, and I knew she’d just realized exactly what I was doing. But I wasn’t playing around here. If taunting her into giving me sex was a low, dirtball move, then I was the filthiest.

“Just admit it now, baby doll. You can’t keep up with your younger man, can you?”

“Oh, you ass,” she hissed, shaking her head slowly.

But I couldn’t summon the guilt to care about how awful my unscrupulous tactics were. Because I was about to get extremely lucky due to them, maybe even lucky enough for her to climb on top in order to show me just how much energy she still had.

“You suck so much, you know that, Foxhole?” she grumbled, even as she rolled onto her back and grabbed my ear so she could roughly force me to roll with her and land on top of her with my hips slotted perfectly between her legs.