At first, I thought I was experiencing panic and fear. But then I looked up into his eyes and felt something hot and heavy settle deep in the pit of my stomach. Inside my bra, my breasts tightened painfully, and my panties suddenly felt way too sensitive against me.

Under the spray of parking lot lights, Gracen looked beautiful and breathtaking.

I wanted him to kiss me, I realized. Like really kiss me.

When I unconsciously licked my lips, preparing for it, his gaze fell to my mouth.

And just like that, dread flushed over me with a cold surge, afraid he was going to do exactly what I wanted him to. Or maybe I was afraid he wouldn’t.

So I quickly bobbed my head to break the contact and eased a step back. “Okay,” I said, tearing my gaze from his eyes, only for them to land on his mouth. “I-I’ll play along. But I’m running low on mean things to say to you.”

“Wait.” One of his eyes twitched. “So you didn’t really believe the things you just said?”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re the one who said we had to be enemies and talk shit to each other.”

He smiled, a warm, real smile. “Right.” Then, straightening his expression into a somber frown, he cleared his throat. “Well then, good job, Nicksen. Very believable performance.” Inhaling slowly, he reached up with his free hand that he wasn’t using to block our faces from the man watching us and he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. “Want me to follow you home to make sure he doesn’t?”

Yes. And then I wanted him to follow me inside and—

Wow, what was I thinking? Standing this close to him was making me loco.

Steeling myself against his erotic appeal, I shook my head and swallowed. “No. I, uh—no, thank you. I’ll be fine.”

He looked momentarily disappointed before clearing his expression and nodding. “Alright then.” He pressed a brief, chaste kiss to my forehead and dropped his hand from my car before taking a step back.

The chill of the night immediately swarmed in around me, making me shiver and hug myself.

“I’ll probably stick around a couple of minutes after you leave,” he told me, slipping his hands casually into his pockets, even as he watched me with an intensity that kept my nipples hard. “To make sure he doesn’t follow you.”

“Okay.” I nodded. “Thank you, Gracen.”


Turning toward my car, I unlocked my door, feeling very robotic and stiff about every move I made.

Once I had the door open, he said from behind me, “’Night, Yellow.”

When I looked over my shoulder at him, he sent me an arch glance before holding up his hand close to his chest so no one else could see that he was lifting his middle finger to flip me off, letting me know he fully remembered that we were supposed to be adversaries.

Instead of becoming offended by it, though, I snuffled out a soft laugh. “Goodnight,” I said, shaking my head as I slid into my car.

The man kept his promise. He stayed there, unmoving, as I backed from my spot and started toward the exit of the parking lot. When I glanced in my rearview mirror before pulling out onto the street, his silhouette was still faithfully lingering, making sure I stayed safe.

Warmth and something that felt a lot like excitement splashed through me.

I’d probably never see him again, but a dormant part inside me was beginning to wake up, and it didn’t seem to care.

Gracen Lowe had just become my favorite kind of enemy.

Chapter Four



I woke with a warm, very bare female ass tucked up against my morning wood. Just how every man liked to rise. Literally.

A smile lit my lips.