With a nod, he lifted his eyebrows. “That’ll do. The move has always brought me to my knees, anyway.”

Blinking up at him when he started to veer us away from where my car was parked, I tightened my grip on his arm and swung us right back onto the correct path as I asked, “Have a lot of women kicked you there before?”

It made me a little uneasy to learn he’d harassed anyone enough to get them to retaliate in such a desperate and violent way.

But then he answered, “Only Bella,” with an engaging grin as he easily followed my lead. “But trust me, she showed no mercy, that’s for damn sure.”

“What did you do to her?” I had to know, still leery.

“Nothing,” he cried in mock innocence as he pressed a hand to his chest. “I swear. Though I should note, I will never cut all the hair off a Barbie doll ever again.”

I giggled, relieved to hear he wasn’t as threatening as I was beginning to worry.

From the one encounter I’d had with him before tonight, I never would’ve guessed he was so witty and droll.

The lighthearted glint faded from his eyes as he glanced over his shoulder, however, and then he faced forward again before saying, “Yep. He’s still watching us.”

“Seriously?” Shuddering as I remembered why Gracen was hanging around me in the first place, I huddled closer. “And I don’t even know what I did to lead him on.”

“You didn’t have to do anything,” Gracen assured me softly, his gaze full of sympathy.

I stopped in my tracks. “What?”

He jarred to a stop next to me, his eyes squinted in question. “What?” he repeated.

“You think I did do something to attract his crazy attention?”

“Huh?” he spat incredulously. “No, I don’t.”

But there’s been that tone in his voice. He totally had.

I folded my arms across my chest. “Right. So what did I do?”

“Nothing!” He shook his head, appearing completely bewildered. “I saw the whole thing, and you did absolutely nothing to encourage him. Alright? The guy was a creep who didn’t know when to stop. And I can’t tell you why he’s a creep, either. So stop looking at me like I can.”

“I accidentally glanced his way, didn’t I?”

“No,” he insisted. “You didn’t look at anyone. That’s what I thought made you so alluring.”

I blinked repeatedly, flabbergasted. “How is ignoring everyone alluring?”

“I don’t know!” Gracen cried, beginning to appear panicked as if he thought he was cornered. “You just strode down the aisle with this purpose, you know, like you were fully prepared to claim your seat.”

“Because I was,” I muttered, unable to understand why that was such a bad thing.

“And it made you look confident,” he explained. “Which is attractive all on its own, but added to your looks…” He shook his head and waved a hand as if the rest of his thoughts should just explain themselves.

I gulped and looked down at myself before glancing up at him, where things stirred to life inside me.

Did he think I was pretty?

“What about my looks?” I found myself asking, feeling this strange enticing anticipation as I waited for his answer.

“Well…” He squinted, thinking his answer through. “You look really good in those jeans,” he told me as he skimmed a quick glance over me, only to pause at my hair. “And then there’s the ponytail.”

Reaching up, I touched my hair. “What’s wrong with my ponytail?”

“Not a damn thing,” he answered. “That’s my point. It’s cute and perky, giving you a dash of fun, and innocence, and vulnerability. Plus, you smelled amazing when you passed by me. It made me take a second look. Add all that together with your looks and confident walk, and I don’t know why you wouldn’t catch the attention of every heterosexual male on the face of the planet.”