“I really want to see this movie too,” I leaned in to whisper, hoping she could sense the apology hidden in my words.

When she continued to stubbornly ignore me, I sighed and just blurted, “I’m sorry for being an ass. I guess I’m more talented at being mean than I thought I would be.”

Then, just to see what she’d do, I lifted the popcorn tub, silently offering it to her once more.

She huffed out a disgusted breath even as she lifted her hand and took a handful without even looking at me.

My lips twitched as I fought a chuckle. For whatever reason that other jack-hole had made her lock up and shut down, she certainly wasn’t that way with me. It was kind of cool to know I could draw forth the spitfire in her and coax it into coming out to hiss and scratch where others could not. Made me feel sort of triumphant. Exclusive.


And though I had honestly been looking forward to this film, I had a hard time concentrating on it as it began. I just kept wondering about the woman sitting next to me.

Seriously though, if I wasn’t so duty-bound to dislike her, I might actually want to get to know her a little better. There was an interesting depth of contradictions about her that I wouldn’t mind exploring.

But Bella would cut off my balls for even entertaining the idea. So yeah, never mind that. I was totally not interested.

Chapter Three



Digging through my purse, I sniffed and pulled out a pack of tissues so I could dab at my damp eyes.

Okay, fine. They weren’t merely damp. Pathetically streaming wet with unending puddles of tears might be a more apt description.

“I just can’t believe she’s dead,” I uttered, still dazed and horrified as the ending credits scrolled across the screen.

“I know,” a hollow voice said next to me. “I did not see that coming.” Turning, I met Gracen Lowe’s dazed stare as he shook his head and added, “I guess the series really is over, then, huh?”

A sob wracked my shoulders. “But I’m not ready for it to be over. It’s been too great. Too epic. I need more.”

He nodded, agreeing, before he hissed a curse. “I mean, what the fuck? How am I supposed to continue with the rest of my life now?”

No idea.

I couldn’t seem to see past this, either.

Sniffing, I blew my nose.

Around us, the other movie watchers—all six of them—stood and filed their way out of the theater. Even the creeper who’d scared the holy bejesus out of me earlier and caused me to get my unwanted movie-watching companion shuffled out as if eager to get back to his own business.

Not that Gracen was so unwanted anymore. After leaning in to whisper his commentary of the movie to me within the first five minutes, and me being unable to stop myself from admitting some of my own, I decided it wasn’t so bad to watch a show with him. He regularly bounced thoughts and ideas off me as if he just couldn’t help himself. And because I was as invested in the plot as he was, I was forced to reply, until I was the one blurting out most of the predictions.

And now, it felt as if we’d survived that time-traveling, galactic disaster together.

Gracen and I watched the rest of the room wander off, shaking our heads in confusion, and we just continued to sit there, waiting for someone to start the real movie, where our beloved heroine didn’t freaking die at the end.

Why were we the only two who were so obviously affected? Did no one else have a heart? Or any kind of film-watching taste? This was a heart-wrenching tragedy here.

Setting a hand against his gut, Gracen winced. “I think I’m going to be sick. I seriously cannot believe she’s gone.”

Shaking my head to will the tears away, I stuffed the tissue back into my purse, determined to stop crying. “At least we’ll always have the reruns.”

The look he sent me was incredulous. “Are you kidding me? Nothing will ever live up to watching them for the first time.”

He had a point, so I sighed, not sure how to cheer us up now. “True.”