When I hit the living room, Beau’s dad was exactly where I’d last seen him, but he wasn’t even pretending to look at his iPad this time. His eyebrows lifted expectantly when I appeared, probably looking winded and scared out of my mind.

“Bye, Uncle Noel,” I told him as I hurried past.

“Bye, Bentley,” he said, sounding amused.

It wasn’t until I was outside again, that I was able to take a complete breath. But my chest felt tight and constrained when I did. I pressed a hand to my sternum, wondering what was happening.

I couldn’t get that glimpse I’d seen of my picture in Beau’s wallet out of my head, though.

I mean, seriously? Did he really carry a picture of me around in his wallet?

I just—I didn’t even know what to think about that. I only knew it made my skin prickle and then heat and then chill almost all at the same time. I shivered and hugged myself, glancing back as if I could still feel him there in his room, holding his wallet to hide the proof of his feelings.

Oh Lord.

I whirled back around and walked a little faster, scared over why the thoughts and ideas in my head made me feel so strange.

Chapter Three


I’d already put my shoes back where they belonged, along with my wallet, and was lying on my bed again when a curious tapping came at my door. I knew it wasn’t Bentley, since she obviously didn’t believe in knocking anymore.

“Come in,” I called with a deflated sigh, figuring I’d have to answer uncomfortable questions now.

The door opened, and Dad cautiously peered in through the entrance. When he saw me, he sighed and leaned casually against the doorframe. Then he stuffed his hands into his pockets and asked, “Everything okay?”

I lifted my eyebrows as if I had no idea what he was talking about. “Yeah, sure. Why?”

He laughed lightly and shook his head. “I couldn’t help but hear the spat you got into with Bentley.”

My gut tightened just hearing her name. But I indignantly said, “You mean, the spat she got into with me? Yeah. Must be that time of the month, huh?”

“Oh, son…” Dad lifted his hands, ridding himself of all culpability. He even took a leery step back as he gave a low whistle. “You better be glad your mother and sister are out and didn’t hear you say that; you’d be begging for a concussion otherwise.”

I shrugged, pretty sure I wouldn’t have said it if Mom and Lucy Olivia were home.

Dad sighed suddenly, still watching me. “Did you really sabotage her date with Ridgely?” he finally asked. “With dog shit?”

“Maybe,” I mumbled on a wince.

“Damn, kid. That wasn’t too bright. And what’s up with Ridgely anyway? I thought you and he were friends. Wasn’t he one of those boys that was over here just last week?”

Yeah, he was. And that’s when he’d told me he was going to ask Bentley out. No true friend would ever do that to me. So I narrowed my eyes Dad’s way and mumbled, “Well, we’re not anymore.”

With a sigh, Dad scrubbed a hand over his hair. “I know this is a crazy suggestion, but have you ever considered just telling Bentley you like her?”

I snorted, certain the old man had lost his mind before I muttered a very decided, “No.”

Why would I do that?

Had he missed the part where she’d screamed that she hated my guts and never wanted to see me again?

“Communication is key, kiddo. And it might not seem like it, but I do actually know what I’m talking about here. I landed your mom, did I not?”

He had a point there. He had to have had some mad skills back in his day to snag my mother. As a hard-core mama’s boy, I didn’t think any female could ever outrank Aspen Gamble in my heart.

Except lately, I couldn’t get a set of bright blue eyes and flaming red hair out of my head.