I didn’t breathe normally again until I was back home, another seven blocks away in the opposite direction of the Lowes’ house.

Certain that Felicity was going to call my parents any moment and get me grounded for an eternity, I tried to make myself look as innocent as possible.

There was always hope I wouldn’t get in trouble for this. I mean, it was a slim, only-a-miracle-will-save-you kind of hope. But that was enough reason for me to kick off my shoes so it’d look like I’d been home all night. Then I climbed onto my bed, grabbed my book bag as I went, and started on homework.

Just like a good kid who’d never throw shit at some douche who was moving in on his girl.

And from there, I waited for the fallout.

Chapter Two


Someone was going to die tonight. And I was going to relish murdering him.

Half an hour after taking an extremely long shower and changing into some nice, clean clothes—and still swearing I could smell dog poop and vomit on me—I marched up the steps to the Gambles’ front door and yanked it open without knocking.

I stepped inside with no hesitation, and found only one occupant in the front room—a man who was in no way related to me but had always felt like a second dad.

I almost felt bad for him. Not only had he ended up with Satan for a child, but the poor guy had no clue I was about to wipe his only son off the face of the planet in mere moments.

“Hi, Uncle Noel,” I said in a pleasant enough voice as I crossed the front room and stormed right past him.

Stretched out in an easy chair with his feet kicked up as he read something on his iPad, he lowered it enough to send me a greeting smile.

“Hey, Bent...” But I just kept going. I had already hit the hallway by the time I heard him add a belated and confused, “...Lee?”

Down the hall, the door to Beau’s room was cracked and hanging open a couple of inches.

Good. That meant he’d at least be clothed and decent.

As soon as I reached it, I slammed it open as hard as I could, making as much of a racket as possible when my palm smacked off the surface and sent it banging against the wall.

The boy inside, lounging on the bed in jeans, socks, and a T-shirt, paused from scrolling through something on his phone as he jerked in surprise and looked up.

When he saw it was me who’d plowed into his room, glaring, he leaped from his bed, crying, “What the hell? You can’t just barge into my room like that.”

“Whatever,” I sneered, setting my hands on my cocked hips with attitude. “Like you’d really be in here jerking off or something with the door hanging half open.”

“That doesn’t mean you’re allowed to invade my privacy,” he snapped back, gaping as if I’d lost my mind.

But the only thing I’d lost was my damn patience.

With him.

“Well, do you want to know what you’re not allowed to do?” I countered, jabbing a pointy finger in his direction. “You can’t sabotage my dates, you jerk-faced asshole. I mean, dog crap? Really?”

His face went completely blank as he shut down; a clear sign that he was about to lie. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he swore.

Oh, that did it.

Spotting his sneakers nearby on the floor, I picked them up so I could chuck one. Right at his big fat lying head. “You ruined my favorite blouse!”

“Hey!” He lifted his arms to deflect the blow. It bounced off his elbow and smacked against the wall. “Cut it out!”

And since he told me to stop, I felt totally justified in launching the second size thirteen at him.

“Oh my God,” he bellowed, completely ducking the second shoe. “What is your problem?”