Dear Worthy

How Bentley and Beau Got Together

10 Years Before Secrets That We Keep

Chapter One


“You guys are complete morons, you know that, right?” Gracen asked from his parents’ deck, where he stood at the railing with his arms crossed over his chest and watched me, Trick, and Fox scour his backyard.

“No one asked for your opinion,” I retorted, scowling at the ground as I walked along, pausing when I came across something that looked promising, only to realize it was a dried, petrified dog turd. I nudged it with the toe of my shoe, just to be sure, and flipped it over. Yep, that wouldn’t do at all.

“Hey, you’re the one who came to me, asking for some of my dog’s shit,” Gracen countered with a superior smirk. “I think that gives me plenty of right to throw my opinion out there.”

“Why don’t you and your opinion get your lazy asses down here and help us look,” Trick shot back from across the yard.

Gracen sniffed. “Because I’m not one of Beau’s blind minions like you two idiots.”

I ignored that as both Fox and Trick called him equally dirty but separately creative foul names in return.

Behind him, the back door came open, and his twin sister stepped outside to join us. I groaned and kept searching, knowing a whole new round of razzing was about to begin. But I didn’t care enough to stop. I had an important mission here. No stupid joke was going to throw me off track.

Strolling up to the edge of the deck, Bella paused next to Gracen and hopped up onto the railing to sit next to where he leaned so she could rest an elbow on his shoulder as she began to watch us as well.

“Do I even want to know what these weirdos are doing, wandering around our backyard and staring at the ground?” she finally asked her brother.

“They’re looking for their brains,” Gracen told her.

Just as Trick called, “Hey, I got a fresh pile of dog shit over here!”

“And... Their brains have been found,” Bella announced, making both twins laugh and fist-bump each other.

I pointed at them warningly before racing over to where Trick and Fox had already gathered. But I hadn’t even reached them before I knew we had a winner.

“Oh God, that’s rank.” Wincing at the smell, I paused before getting closer, and I turned my face away to hide my nose in the inside of my elbow. “Yeah, that’ll do.” Coughing and eyes watering, I handed the plastic sack and pooper scooper I had over to Trick. “Bag it up, will you?”

Trick took the supplies eagerly, only to start gagging the moment he tried to scoop up the pile.

“My God,” he swore as he tripped away, gasping for air. “Your dog makes the foulest-smelling dumps ever.”

That was exactly why I’d come here, begging from them. They swore they used some kind of pet food designed for indoor dogs that made them shit less. And in return, their feces smelled like this.

But damn, I think Bonzo must have some kind of digestive tract issue on top of that because this kind of stink just wasn’t right.

Trick gagged again as the twins laughed at us from the porch.

“Jesus,” Fox groaned. “You’re such a pansy. Give me the damn scooper.”

Trick shoved all the supplies at him gratefully, and Fox bent down, quickly and tidily getting the job done.

“Yes!” I fisted my hand in triumph as he tied the end closed and handed it over.

I could still smell everything through the sealed bag, so I held it as far away from myself as I could when I turned to start from the yard, forced to pass by the twins as I went.

“Hey, Beau,” Bella called, her knowing smirk making me narrow my eyes at her because I already knew I wasn’t going to like what she had to say.
