I mean, sure, it was unique, and I liked unique. But, seriously, Yellow? I wondered how she’d come up with such a nickname. Maybe she’d wet her bed a lot when she was little. Or she still did. Yeah. I liked that scenario for someone who’d wronged my twin.


bsp; That was about as far as I got on the nitpicking, though, because I grew distracted by watching her all over again.

It really was too bad that she had such a pretty face; that was probably how she’d lured Ethan into straying away from Bella in the first place. Even the way she uneasily winced at the guy who’d just invited her to sit by him was adorable. She had a cute, button nose that wrinkled like an irritated bunny, full, luscious lips that puckered with delectable distaste and dark, exotic eyes that—

Not that her appearance meant a damn thing. Loyalty demanded I hate her. She’d hurt my best friend. Only someone who was straight-up malicious and evil could do such an unspeakably awful thing.

Sniffing bitterly, I watched her answer the guy.

“N-no thanks. I, uh, I’m waiting on someone.”

As she nervously sank into her seat, I sighed in disgust and shook my head. She lied about as poorly as Bella did. Yellow wasn’t waiting on anyone, and her new admirer knew it, too.

“Waiting on me, I bet.” Smirking, he pushed up from his chair and strutted her way.

Ah, hell. You had to be kidding me right now. I wasn’t here to watch this shit; I just wanted to see my movie and go home, damn it.

But it was happening whether I liked it or not.

Maybe I should warn lousy-with-the-pickups guy not to bother. He was just going to get himself mixed up with a cheating homewrecker if he went anywhere near that poisonous female. But something about his cocky swagger turned me off, so I figured I’d just let him learn the hard way what a mistake he was making.

Mr. Not-So-Suave moseyed right up to Yellow and leaned in over her, setting his hands on the backs of the seats both behind and in front of her so he could trap her in the row, which was totally uncool on his part.

“What’s wrong, baby?” he asked. “I don’t bite. Come on over and sit by me.”

I rolled my eyes because, wow. Lamest ice breaker ever. I’d lose all respect for Yellow if she actually fell victim to that. Except, wait, I already had no respect for her, didn’t I? So yep, she was probably going to pop right up and follow him like the unfaithful leech she was.

She surprised me, though. Leaning away, she fumbled awkwardly. “No. Uh, no, thank you.”

She wasn’t at all snarky and bitchy about the brush-off, either. Bella would’ve told the loser to get lost in a much more creative and violent way than that. She wouldn’t have sounded as innocent and intimidated as Yellow did, either.

So why wasn’t Yellow just laughing in the dude’s face and telling him to get lost, already? She obviously wasn’t into his advances. Why wasn’t she threatening to kick him in the balls? Why wasn’t she defending herself at all?

That’s when I realized…

Fuck. The idiot had actually spooked her. I could practically feel her quivering in petrified fear all the way from back here.

Scaring a woman was wrong, no matter how wicked she was, so instant unease thickened in my stomach.

“Come on,” her harasser repeated, reaching for her shoulder. “You know you want to.”

Clenching my teeth, I silently warned him to stop.

But he didn’t.

With a gasp, Yellow jerked away and stumbled to her feet so she could reverse deeper into her row away from him. “No, really. I-I’m fine here.”

“What? Don’t you like me, darling?” he challenged, following her until she was even more trapped than she’d been before.

When her back hit the wall, she yelped out her surprise and winced up at him, her face full of wary fear. “Excuse me.” She tried to step around him. “I’d like to get by now.” But he dodged into her path, blocking her escape.

“No can do, baby.” He chuckled. “Not until you tell me why you won’t sit with me.”

“Please,” she tried, turning her face to the side away from him when he leaned too close. “I just want to watch the movie in peace.”

“So do I,” he countered. “Next to you.”