“Yeah,” he finally answered, glancing down at my body and then back up to my face. “Do I know you?”

His voice was all low and graveled, making my abdomen tighten with need.

I instinctively wanted to answer that he could get to know me if he wanted to. But nope. Nope, I wasn’t going to flirt with him. He obviously belonged to Hot Constance.

Hot Constance who was currently inside with Trick.

Shit. Trick! Right. I had to keep this sizzling hunk of man-candy from going inside until Trick came out.

“No. We haven’t had the pleasure yet,” I said, finally stopping in front of him so I could hold out a hand. “But I’m Cress. Cress Gamble.”

He frowned down at my hand, not touching it, and then he looked back up at me.


And? And, what? Oh God, I had no and. My mind utterly emptied of all thought. I couldn’t think of a single thing to say to keep him here and distracted.

“Damn, I’m sorry,” I blurted. “I know I’m completely blowing this, but I can’t remember what I was going to say. You’re just so hot, and I can’t think straight.”

“Oh Jesus,” he muttered with a disgusted snort. “Not again.”

He took an intimidating step toward me and lifted a threatening finger, making me stumble backward away from him.


bsp; “Look. I don’t know who keeps sending you fuckers to my house. But this is beginning to piss me off. So just go back and tell whoever is pulling your strings to fuck off and leave me alone. Alright?”

I blinked at him, totally lost. “Huh?”

He rolled his eyes and spun away. “Goodbye.”

As he started up the steps toward the front door, my eyes widened. “No! Wait.”

I popped around him, slipping between him and the doorway with barely any room to spare, just as he started to reach for the door handle. It caused me to land, like, practically against him, our faces only inches apart. What was worse, he didn’t jerk back to get out of my space. And sharing such close quarters with him went straight to my head.

Because he looked even better up close like this. He had chocolate brown eyes and really kissable-looking soft lips.

But he didn’t seem as drawn to my magnetism as I was to his.

“What the actual fuck?” His defined jaw hardened and his eyes narrowed as he hissed, “Get out of my way.”

I was probably about half a second from becoming a pancake.

“Okay, one,” I started, barely managing to lift a finger between us, “please don’t kick my ass. Two, sorry but I have no idea what you were just talking about down there, and three...”

Clearing my throat, I tried not to think about how nice it was to be this close to him. But hell.

“You smell really good,” I ended up blurting, anyway.

Shit, no. I should’ve said anything but that.

With a wince, I revised, “No, wait. I mean, that wasn’t supposed to be number three. That was really just a side observation. I sometimes wander off track from whatever I’m talking about, you see, and—”

“I said move,” he commanded.

“Right,” I said as if I was agreeing because people seemed to like it better when you agreed with them. “But the thing is…”

I shuddered when his face darkened menacingly. Yeah, this guy had some seriously awesome intimidation skills. Except Trick was my homie. I wasn’t about to let him down.