And that’s how Fox finally got Gracen back for tricking him at our proposals.

The End

Big hugs to all the sexual harassment and assault survivors out there. It’s so painful and enraging and unfair when things happen to us that are out of our control. But we do have control over how we react to them. That is where our power lies. I hope you are never pressured, shamed, or guilted into responding in any specific way that you don’t want to respond when dealing with your trauma, be it to forgive, forget, and quietly move on or to stand up and shout for justice. I don’t want you to be stuck as a victim. This is your moment now. So I want you to be able to use the power of your reaction to do what is best for YOU to heal and maybe even come out of this stronger than you were before. You don’t ever have to go through it alone, either. If you need help, want help, and are ready for help, please call 800-656-HOPE to contact the America’s National Sexual Assault Hotline for assistance. Wishing you the absolute best, Linda Kay

Meanwhile, here’s a glimpse at a couple more descendants from the Forbidden Men clan.

Beware of Maverick

How Cress met Maverick

2 Months Before Gracen Runs into Yellow at the Theater

Chapter One



That was such a strange word, wasn’t it? It was just so sad and depressing, and blah.

But woe was me. Woe was love. Woe was the entire world.

It all just felt so hopeless and lackluster. What was even the point of going on?

I sighed and flopped my cheek down on the couch cushion I was lying on as I returned my gaze to the television screen across the room, watching two boys trying to impress a girl by insisting they didn’t like tacos.

Morons. Didn’t they know lying didn’t work?

I’d tried that route before. A lot. I mean, I had to make myself look appealing, right? Secure a mate. I didn’t want to grow old alone and turn into a crabby old man like the miserable schlump in this movie. I had to do whatever I could to get some love.

So I had fibbed a little. But no one had wanted me, even then.

Then, I tried my roommate’s philosophy. Just be yourself, Trick had insisted. Show some guy the true you. Trust me, the right person will appreciate that.

But the thing was Trick’s true self was a genuinely cool guy. He had this way about him that made you feel relaxed and chill and right at home whenever you were in his company.

I was in no way relaxed or chill.

Imagine a relaxed, chill person, then give them about twenty cups of espresso. With whipped topping. Then some drizzled chocolate syrup on that. With sprinkles. And that was my version of calm.

I mean, I loved myself, but even I had to admit I was a bit on the hyper side. Some people were just wired that way. And it tended to annoy the hell out of those people who weren’t.

But I sucked up my reservations and gave being me a try anyway. I unleashed the full power of unadulterated Cress on Derek when I met him. All out, full bore, no brakes, you know. And he actually seemed to like me.

So I fell in love with him. Obviously.

Three weeks later, he decided he’d had enough of the Cress express, and…

He hopped off that train without even waiting for it to make it to the next station.

So here we were, now, over a month later, and I still felt used and abandoned, like a dirty, crumpled napkin that had gotten wedged behind the trash can and had been forgotten forever, growing dust and mold. I wasn’t even good enough for a landfill.

I knew I should be studying for finals. My freshman year of college was wrapping up to a very sudden close, and I’d had good grades.

Until Derek had left me.

But now…