“Oh my God, that reminds me,” Yellow blurted, successfully diverting Bella from focusing too intently on her nervous boyfriend. “You will not believe what Jada had me do at work today…”

I leaned toward my boy, and hissed, “You need to fucking relax, man.”

Gritting his teeth, he turned to me slowly, hissing, “How?”

“I don’t know.” He was the damn life coach here. Not me. “Drink more.”

He snorted and rolled his eyes before picking up his glass and downing the contents in one swallow. Yellow kept Bella occupied all the way through the serving of the appetizers and salads.

When a man wearing a black shirt that was half unbuttoned and tucked into black pants with his dark hair styled into an eighties ‘do stormed into the room and approached a table over in the corner, both Bella and Yellow jumped and stopped talking to each other to watch curiously as he halted in front of an older man and announced, “No one puts Baby in the corner.”

Then he reached for the hand of a younger woman wearing a simple pink dress.

“Oh my God!” Bella exclaimed, slapping her hands to her cheeks. “Is this a flash mob? I think it’s a flash mob! We’re going to get to see a flash mob performance! Oh! I’ve always wanted to see one of these.”

Fox glanced her way and grinned big as the Johnny Castle-wannabe led his Baby across the room, and someone at another table stood, belting out, “Now I’ve…” He pressed one hand to his chest as he spread out the other. “Had...The time of my life.”

A woman at yet another table stood to add, “And I’ve never felt this way before.”

“Holy shit. This is awesome,” Bella breathed.

I glanced her way and grinned when I saw her and Yellow clasping hands and swaying to

gether, unable to control their smiles as they watched the show.

By the time it wrapped up toward the end with the scene where the guy lifted the girl into the air above his head, nearly half the room had joined in, either singing the acoustics or dancing to the music with them.

I silently nudged Yellow’s arm, and she reluctantly tore her gaze from the performance to glance my way. Heaving in a breath, I lifted the ring between us, causing light to sparkle off the huge diamond set in its platinum band.

Her mouth fell open as she dropped her attention to it. Then her eyes widened. Zipping her gaze back up, she leaned toward me and hissed, “But I thought—”

I pressed a finger to my lips, quieting her. “This is for you too,” I whispered. “It was always for you too.”

She blinked and shook her head. “You mean, I helped plan my own proposal?”

With a rueful shrug, I admitted, “Hey, what better way to make sure you got exactly what you wanted? And besides, I couldn’t think of how else to keep it a secret from you.”

“Oh, Gracen.” Her eyes sparkled with tears. “This is all so amazing. It’s just...”

Across the table from us, Fox was drawing the attention of everyone by making a production of getting out of his seat and pulling a small, blue Tiffany’s box from his pocket.

“Oh shit,” I hissed, grabbing Yellow’s hand and stuffing the ring onto her finger. “He’s starting. Damn. No way in hell are they getting engaged before we do.”

She giggled and buried her face into the collar of my suit jacket to muffle the sound, but neither Fox nor Bella were paying us any attention as Fox gallantly kneeled before her and opened the lid.

Bella slapped her hands over her mouth, and her eyes glistened with tears as she alternated between looking at the ring inside and Fox’s earnest expression.

Yellow straightened enough to lean against me and watch them as Fox spoke all the right and proper words that I’d totally skipped over when I had proposed. Then Bella dove at him, hugging him as she shrieked, “Yes! Oh my God, yes!”

The room exploded with cheers, and my fiancée and I exchanged a private grin with each other before we joined them, clapping as well.

“You guys!” Bella finally turned our way, ready to share her moment. “Look. Oh my goodness, would you check this thing out?”

“Let me see,” Yellow cried, leaping from her seat to hug my twin. “Oh my God. Congratulations!”

But when she started to pull away, Bella blinked and paused before grabbing Yellow’s left hand and dragging it to her face for a closer look.

“Holy shit. You too?” she breathed, looking up to blink at her future sister-in-law before glancing in shock at me.