I hated feeling lonely. But no one in our big conglomerate of an extended family had the same cinematic taste I did. I mean, it was their loss; I had an awesome palate for movies. But just because they all had boring, bland appetites didn’t make me any less forlorn when the beginning credits rolled.

Bella empathized, however, so she typically sucked it up and went along with me, which was exactly why I started to feed her a massive guilt trip now, trying to get her to change her mind and get her ass down here already to keep me company.

Wasn’t like she had a boyfriend or anything to occupy her time. She could certainly spare a moment for her favorite person ever.

GRACEN: But I’m all alone. You’re not seriously going to make your only twin brother…

I never finished typing.

Someone passed by me in the center aisle right next to where I was sitting. Flowery perfume wafted over me, and the smell was pleasant.

So, of course, I had to glance up.

Whoever she was, she was alone too, and she looked good from the back. Real good. Light hair pulled into a high, sloppy ponytail with windblown tendrils falling fashionably down her neck, she walked with a hypnotic sway that caused me to focus on her ass a little too intently in those denim jeans.

One of my eyebrows lifted with interest. Nice.

She wasn’t carrying a drink or any treats, just a purse slung over one shoulder, which made me think she couldn’t be by herself—her companion was probably already seated or trailing behind to get their snacks, because who could watch a movie without sustenance? But she wasn’t glancing around as if looking for anyone or plotting a good spot for multiple people to sit; she walked with purpose, knowing exactly where she wanted to go.

Like me, she had her favorite seat in the house.


Made me wonder if she was also like me in that she hadn’t been able to find anyone else to accompany her to the movies, or if she was just the confident type who felt comfortable about going it alone. I decided to peg her as the confident type because I liked that version better.

When she reached her row of choice—way too far down and close to the screen for my taste, but whatever—she turned and shuffled in to reach her desired place.

Something familiar about her side profile caused my brows to furrow, though.

I think I knew her—maybe—but I wasn’t sure, until someone from the other side of the aisles and further up whistled, calling, “Hey, baby. You don’t need to sit all alone down there. Why don’t you come plant that fine ass next to me?”

I winced because, seriously? Plant that fine ass? What kind of douche actually said shit like that out loud?

It was one thing to check the ass out silently and appreciate it in your own mind. It was quite another to share such thoughts with the actual masterpiece you were admiring. Sharing your thoughts took a suave talent only a few could muster in this type of situation, which he did not have.

Fine-Ass glanced at her caller, and that’s when I got the full impact of her face.

And ah, shit. What the hell?!

I’d just checked out Yellow Nicksen’s ass? Not cool.

The very opposite of cool, in fact.

Bella would skin me alive if she knew what I’d just done.

And speaking of Bella…

Worried she might change her mind and hurry down here to watch the movie with me after all, I glanced at the screen of my phone and quickly deleted my message, before retyping a new one.

GRACEN: No worries. Take care. Call you in the morning.


Nothing would ruin Bella’s night more than finding herself stuck in the same room as the very woman who’d slept with her fiancé last year, causing them to break up.

I glanced toward Yellow again, narrowing my eyes and searching for something to dislike this time so I could jostle myself back into the appropriate frame of mind when looking upon my sister’s nemesis.

When I couldn’t find any immediate visual flaws to pick on because—damn—Yellow Nicksen had some definite aesthetic appeal, I went shallow and mentally flayed her name.